Flower Tower

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Back forward in the town I and V were running in the forest heading to the Flower Tower to warn them, V was out of breath so they stopped and take a breather and I stopped too just to stay by their side

"All this running made me tired" V said out of breath, I goes up to them and pick them up "I, what are you doing?!" V said confusingly as I held them in his arms "Sense your tired, You can take a break while we go okay?" I said as he started to go forward.

I looked at V as they were a little nervous because they don't want to hurt him [HEADS UP: THIS IS NOT A SHIP! I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A SHIP]

I goes deeper in the forest "So how does it feel that your going in the Tower with me?" I asked "It's interesting I guess! I'm a little nervous though what if they get mad at you" V said a little worried about this because people who isn't part of the gem holder's aren't allowed in the tower. "I'll explain to them, no worries." I said to calm them down

On the way there V was starting to feel better "hey I, I'm feeling better now

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On the way there V was starting to feel better "hey I, I'm feeling better now.. thank you" V said as they were about to get off but I pulled them closer "I please, why are you not letting me walk" V asked as they struggle "I hear something. I don't want to lose you too.." I said feeling like it was his fault for the indent that happened.

V looked at him and wrapped their legs around him like it was a hug "hey... it's okay bud, it was never your fault plus we didn't know. None of us didn't know that would happen." V said as their voice soften up "BUT I COULD'VE SAV-" "ssshhh." V hushed I, looking at him into his eyes "We didn't know what was going to happen, we didn't hear them coming over, we didn't know they were there, stop blaming yourself on things that was never your fault." V told them in a serious tone

I said nothing besides being quite and looking deep into V's eyes. "Let's.. go now before they comes and see us" I said in a soften low tone, I let's go of V and V went to push the wheel chair.

On the way there, they hear something deep in the forest and once they know it the Pink goo guys that were going to attack them, V stopped and tackle one while I rolled them over with his wheel chair, when another goo tried to attack I from behind

On the way there, they hear something deep in the forest and once they know it the Pink goo guys that were going to attack them, V stopped and tackle one while I rolled them over with his wheel chair, when another goo tried to attack I from behind

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V ran and jump on to them and bite into the shoulder pulling till the skin was ripped.

When it was over I asked if V was okay, they nodded but I saw cuts so he healed them anyway

after all of that they continue their way.When they finally arrived, I opened the door and they walk in, everyone was already there and stared at I for a few minutes, I was starting to feel anxiety

"What took you so long?" J asked in an annoyed tone "Well uhm. Something got in our way! That's why" I replied, nervously "plus the path is too long so stop thinking that it's a fast trip." V said in a very annoyed and angry tone. "I, your not supposed to bring people that aren't part of the group here." G said in a calm serious voice

he gets up and walks to I but not too close sense he knows that I would be scared and thinking he did something really bad "We didn't had much time. They were coming so C and B wanted me to be with I to keep him protected and safe!" V told them as their voice is in normal tone

"Well that no ex-" K puts her hand over J's mouth "Shut up no coffee in the morning asshole bitch. V does have a point.. I is only a healer after all so it is good that V was nice enough to do that" K said as she looked at J. "Very well than, V and I please take a seat" G said as he went back to his chair

V went to a chair and sit down while I goes to his spot. V was nervous sense they never went here before because they are not a member.

"Was anyone here was attacked by them besides G?" F asked looking at them, I held up both his hands "so you and V. Did V do a good job at protecting you?" F asked tapping his fingers "yes, Indeed V did." I replied looking at V, I wraps his arm around V which made V comfortable

"that's good to know, V seems to care about you very deeply." F said, turns to K which she is brainstorming a plan for them "Alright. We do need a plan, as K is brainstorming I'll be making some coffee so please stay in this room. You can move around but not too far" F said as he gets up to make coffee

V put their head on I's shoulder and wondering if they did anything right, I looked at them "Hey. Like you said, it's okay! Your not sure what's going on and your new to this, you did nothing wrong" I said to V as he puts his hand on V's cheek "thank you.. I" V said in their soft voice, happy to know that I is there for them.

Sorry that this chapter came out after a month, I didn't had any ideas.

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