Flowing Blue Flower

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C and B was on the walk to the park eating the treats they brought "I hope A would be okay there" C said as he eats his crapes "Same, it's like he doesn't take a break" B replied while he looks around the area "Hey look the park is over there" C said as he taps on B's shoulder

"Oh yeah! Let's go find a bench" C and B finds a bench and sits there looking around "oh hey look! I and V are here!" B said as he points at them " well they do come here very Friday to have a picnic, I guess it just doesn't feel the same after.." C stops what he said and looked down. "That..."

"yeah true.. ever sense that happened it never felt the same for them.. it seems like they are.. eating next to his grave just to feel like he's there" B said as he turns to look at C and hugs him.

With I and V "so I, how's you and your team going?" V said as they bite down their food "it's okay, we got attacked by those pink monster like things though" I replied as he fills up his cup with lemonade "I wish.. U was still here before that happened..."

I said as he looks at the plated food in front of one of the graves says "U. I will miss you [REDACTED] - [REDACTED] death: falling off a cliff" there's another grave that say's "H. Lovely flowers [REDACTED] -[REDACTED] death: food poisoning"

"About your work I heard y'all work with K, is she part of the group?" V asked as they eat a sandwich "Well yeah! Even though her gem is missing she still is one of us!" I said in his brave voice or at least he tried to sound brave

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"About your work I heard y'all work with K, is she part of the group?" V asked as they eat a sandwich "Well yeah! Even though her gem is missing she still is one of us!" I said in his brave voice or at least he tried to sound brave

"Yeah also did you know gems are starting to form around different areas? They're really hard to find but it's interesting!" V said as they take a sip of lemonade "Oh really?? That's cool!" I replied while he looks at V

"how about you? How's it been?" I asked politely "Oh uh it's alright I guess" V said as they sigh kinda roughly "well besides X making a loud bang." V replied in a mad tone "I'm guessing he was doing the midnight practice" V looks at I and nodded

"man that sucks. oh by they way I forgot to ask you, I always wondered if you have a friend who's kinda like a parent figure?" I asked as he eats a sandwich "indeed I do! B is like a dad to me! How about you?" V replied happily "G is like a dad to me, he's very nice!" And so they talked about their father figure and the flowers flow until they noticed people were running well people besides C and B.

"I wh-what's going on?!" V said as they get up and looks around "I'm not sure but whatever it is it's dangerous." [C and B walks up to them]

"sooo uhm.. do you guy's know what's going on?" C asked in a low voice "no sadly. Whatever it is I'll have to go to the flower tower to shine the light for the group to see what is happening." I said. Lol Batman reference "I'll help ya get to your wheel chair." B said as he picks both V and I

"hey why are you picking me up?" V asked in a offensive tone "your slow" B told them, V gave him an that offended face. They walk to the wheel chair that was next to a bench, C picks up the wheel chair and walked to the path that led to the location

"alright. Both of you be safe out there" C said as B puts I in the wheel chair and putting V on the ground "wait I, am I coming with you?" V said as they turn to I "yeah! now let's get going! Stay safe out there C and B!" I said as they go into the path "we need to check on A, NOW!" C said in a panic.

C and B started to run to they'er place. Near the park 2:20 PM "GOSH WHY MUST THIS COFFEE AND TREATS BE SO FAR FROM THE PARK?!" C said as he still is panicking "I'm not sure-" a big explosion was heard from the dissidents

"was that... oh no... oh no no NO!" B was crying in fear "WE NEED TO GO NOW NOW NOW RUN NONE STOP RESTING!!" C and B runs to the Coffee and Treats

A few minutes back before the explosion happened. A "EVERYONE OUT OF THE CAFE HURRY!!" A said as he is getting everyone out there safely, when everyone was gone. The lights went out. A grabs a butcher knife and waited.. he walked around until he heard a sound, he waited till it got closer and SLICE!

A cuts the off the goo's head, when it hit the ground A noticed something green and a metal ring next to it, he knew what it was and tried to run and the place exploded, the roof and the sign hit A causing him to pass out

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A cuts the off the goo's head, when it hit the ground A noticed something green and a metal ring next to it, he knew what it was and tried to run and the place exploded, the roof and the sign hit A causing him to pass out.

NOW TIME GOING BACK TO THE PREVIOUS BECAUSE YES LMAO C and B was almost there until they got blocked by an pink goo monster "GO BEHIND ME" B said as he grabs his garden scissors and started stabbing it.

"C. I want you to stay behind so you can be safe." B said as pink goo is on his scissors 2:34 they got there, B and C saw A's arm and pick up the stuff that was on top of him, C picks him up and looked at his chest to see if he was breathing.

"he's breathing. Let's go somewhere before it's too late" C said. C and B ran to the hospital but when they got there it was destroyed. "FUCK WHAT NOW?!" B asked panicking "We need to go to my house for safety " C replied "okay but how? we don't have a car" as B said that C looked at a car with car keys inside

"Welllll you'll see" C said as he goes up to the car and smashes the glass to grab the keys, he unlocks the car and gets inside "hop on in. We got driving to do!" C said waiting for B to get in with B "Okay but if we crash it's your fault" B said as he put A in the back seat, closed the door and sit at the passenger seat. "Okay let's go" B said exhaustedly. B took a nap on the ride

 B took a nap on the ride

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