Rose Hills and gems

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There's 4 rose hills in total. Named by their color. Why am I talking about this instead getting to the point of the story? because It'll be important during it including it will show where other letters are.

We have the orange roses. This is where 2 members of the gem holders are because it's a big town , the gem holders are F and G. They have their own sides like one goes on the left and the other on the right. They are also the oldest in the group and probably the smartest or at least most of the time.

Yellow roses is the town the story took place at. This is where I is protecting but he's not alone, sure this is a ghost but they are also known to protect others which is H! H doesn't have a gem but she used to before his death, the gem is passed on to I which means I is the carrier of both his and H's gem. I does night shifts and doesn't usually do breaks besides Friday, I isn't the youngest or the oldest in the group.

Green roses is where only J is, sense the town isn't so big it's easier for him to take care of, he likes to do things solo but if he needs helps he can stop by Red roses to ask K for some help if his gem can't help him. He is the second youngest of the group but acts older, his brother is G by the way so it's not too rare to see those two fight sense that's what siblings do time to time and

there's the last known hill called Red roses which the interesting part is that it's not protect by a gem holder but it's being protected by the gem less member named K. K makes weapons that work like machines, she is the youngest member but she has an older mindset. She is the only member who doesn't know that P is behind this madness because there was an incident that happened at the same day as P's incident. K stays up late and doesn't have time for breaks. No matter what gem less or not to the group still see's her as a brave guardian of the town.

Gems and what they do:
+: The plus gem belongs to G, this gem is the power of night vision and is able to clone himself if the gem is actives.

-: The minus belongs to F, he can make things disappear and reappear if he wants.

*: The star is I's gem, he can only heal things only if he doesn't run out of time. He does need K's help but for some reason he doesn't want too

$: The money sign is H's gem lol. No it doesn't spawn money don't even start there, the gem is the power to... wait. The power of this is unknown? Damn it I'm the narrator how the fuck did I lose the paper??? never mind that guess we skip this one, sorry.

~: this is J's gem! J can teleport including strength. Of course this is probably one of the reasons why he needs help from K.

 Of course this is probably one of the reasons why he needs help from K

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