Blood mess flowers.

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While G picked up V and walk, They saw B and X. B was wrapping X's arm with those Big leafs called Escap which is a type of leaf that can be used for bandages

When B turned and saw the injuries on G and V, he gasp "OH DEAR GOSH!" He said in fear "Please! Come over" B said as he patted the floor, U was mainly worried about V because he care about them more than almost everyone besides I, he cares for V and I especially.

When G and V settle down, B starts to wrap them up, a few minutes later though they heard something from the distance

"MY BABY!" A loud yell from the distance, X's eyes shrunken. It wasn't because of the voice, it was where it was coming from, it was from his home where he left his sister Y

He got up and ran there the fastest he can

"Stay safe out there X" B said in a low worried tone, B picks up G and V heading to the house

Mean while with A and C!!!

It was quiet, C was cooking while A was resting in bed. A slowly woke up though

"Aaagh where the fuck am I?" A said in a tired tone, he was confused until he realized something "fuck. The whole coffee and treats building is destroyed. Ooh what is boss gonna feel about that?!" A said to himself 

Until he realized the door was slowly opening, he was a bit scared until he saw the hand he knew it was C

"Ah your awake, how was your sleep honey?" He said as he gives him bacon and egg's "I'm okay but I'm a bit scared about what my boss with think about the coffee and-" C puts his finger on A's mouth

"It's a good thing. That place has been destroying your mental health including you gotten some physical damage from you dumbass boss" C said in a little anger tone because he hates A's boss. C wants that guy dead.

"But it was the only job I have" A said in a worried tone, C puts his hand on A's back "sweetheart, I work for the destruction team. I can make you a cafe but you can not overwork yourself" C said as he kissing A's forehead

"I'll leave you be, if you need anything call me!" C said as he leaves the room, A notices C left a gift for him

It was a brown, with heart shape paws on it. A hugs it and sets it next to him. A did start eating which finally because he hasn't ate in 3 weeks.

It was calm for a few minutes until A heard something in his room. C was in the living room cleaning until he heard a loud scream from A.

Ran to the room and saw A on the ground. His right leg was chopped off clean and there was blood everywhere.

C grabs the medic supplies and a flower called "Hiskems" which is a flower that can heal injuries. He left A's leg up, puts the Hiskems on top of the cut, and wrapped it.

A was still crying in fear, C picked him up and walked to the living room. C lays on the couch and A is on top of him, laying down as well. C rubs A's back as A slowly clams down to C's calm singing voice. A slowly drifted to sleep

"Out of everyone why must he go through so much

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"Out of everyone why must he go through so much..?" C mumbled to himself, he started to give A more and more forehead kiss. Loving him like if A was his husband.

He looks at A "I love you, honey" C said in a mumble as he slowly drift off to sleep.

With X!

X was still running deep into the forest, not catching a singular break from it. Something caught his eye

Nine was back, She tackled him and rip his eye out including some skin off his body, blood was everywhere.

X kicked her away while he bleeding. He starts to punch and ripping her skin really hard for a few minutes but realized that she wasn't angry. She was smiling.

X knew that he has to run because he remembers that if someone smiles during a fight. They were waiting for it to come. X started to run, she did follow but she lost him when he started to climbed and go tree to tree.

He stops and looks behind him to see if Nine was near, luckily she wasn't "that was fucking close." X said as ran to the spot where the scream came from.

When he got there, he was panting and sweating from running. He looked up and his eyes shrieked, his eyes started to leak with water, he fell on his knees and started to shiver.

There was a guy, under a tree crying as they were curled up. "Why.. why must it be my daughter.." the guy said as he was sobbing.

X got up and walk up to the man and cried in his own arms. X was sobbing like crazy. "What.. happened" X said as he is still crying. The guy pulled him close.

"I.. I don't know son." He said in a lower tone. "ONE MARSHMALLOW! COME OVER RIGHT NOW WE DIDN'T FINISH THE-" The other man yelled as he got out of the bushes and frozen up like ice.

"One.. what happened to your daughter?!" He said in a scared tone, One looked at him while he's rubbing X's back gently and slowly "I'm not sure Four.." One said as he looked at Y's lifeless body making him sick to the stomach.

Four came up to it and put their hand over it than looked at the bites. Four looked a little angry "it was Nine." Four said in a disappointed voice "Nine..? Why did she do that?!" One said scared and still sobbing. "Seems like Seven was hungry and they thought the mission was to kill Y and X which is false because we wanted them to defend themselves from danger." Four said as he slowly walked up to them

"This area is not safe anymore for X to live in. X will have to find somewhere else to live that's safe." Four said as he looked at X which is asleep.

"He could come over to my house. It'll be more safe." A voice said, they turn around and see a tall man that came up to them slowly "I can take care of him." He said.

One slowly nodded and gently put X in his arms. The reason why One is doing this is because he knows he can't stay due to their goddess and rules.

 The reason why One is doing this is because he knows he can't stay due to their goddess and rules

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"Alright. I'll be on my way to keep him safe. Goodbye Mr Marshmellow and Mr haunted" M said as he walks away and wave goodbye, Four and One did the same.

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