Deadly sunflowers

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Time back because I wanna show you some of the others that lived in other places. 10:34 or at least I think so. I can't see what the time said why the fuck did I write the time sloppy? Eh whatever let's get back on track shall we?

On the side of the Sidewalks there were alleyways. Deep in the alleyway there was a a skin like color with lighter shade strings that look like unfinished webs.

His name was N, he likes to hang around alleyways and watch the night sky. As N was walking to alleyway to alleyway he bumped into a pink looking donut with white splat like with sprinkles, he turns around and look at N "Well Well Well! The space loser is here!" O said excited to bully.

Yes I called O a donut, nothing wrong with it because it's fact. N steps back and was kinda upset and angry "HA! THE FREAK WAS HIDING IN THE ALLEYWAYS! WHAT A FUCKING LOSER!" L yelled happily as he tips his top hat when he walked around the corner. O walks up to N and push him down

"what a weakling." O said in a calm voice and turned at L "damn bro your emotion like swings scare me" L reply's to O in a scared tone "sorry.. anyways why is this web freak even hiding here for? Monsters? Bahahaha!" O said still in a calm voice "Hahaha! Yeah! A loser like him would think that!" L laughs while N is still quiet from this

N gets up and runs for it "HEY GET BACK HERE!" L yelled as He runs after N, O does the same, when N made it to the woods. O tackled him onto the ground "You thought you can run?" O looked down at him with a serious face "okay bud your scaring both Me and N." L told him as he put his hand on O's shoulder,

they were making fun of them until they heard a sound in the forest. They turned to the forest and those Pink goo things were charging at them, L and N got scared but O grabbed his big hammer and started to smash them like it was nothing, L and N's face was speechless and in fear. O slowly turns at them and stare

"Are you both okay?" O asked them as N and L looked at each other than look back at O "yyyeah I think we are" N said as his voice is a little high pitched "y-yeah bud I think we are

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"Are you both okay?" O asked them as N and L looked at each other than look back at O "yyyeah I think we are" N said as his voice is a little high pitched "y-yeah bud I think we are. Please put the blood hammer away." L said bad he is shaking

"Good. Now let's go before more come." O told them as he picks up both of them and walk back to the city.

Mean while with F and G. They knew who it was from and G was afraid that this is only the beginning of her evil plan "G YOU TAKE THE LEFT AND I TAKE THE RIGHT!" F yelled as he is fighting the goo things off "ON IT SIR!!" G yelled back as he runs to the left side of the city while F took the right.

As they were fighting them off G pulled a dumb move and un cloned himself by mistake, G tried to clone but for some reason his gem was weak, F got the weak feeling which hurts his chest.

When he noticed the lights from above he knew it was a gem call, F looked down and see no one in sight so he ran and grab G, lucky to F he can fly so he went to the air and start going to the place.

O went to the basement, put down N and L, close the door, and sit down. "I think we'll be safe here for now until they leave." O said as he cleans his hammer "how the fuck are you calm?" N asked as he is concerned of O's calm voice, O and L looks at him "Mood swings." L replied annoyed. "Oh, I thought he would have DID" N told L "y'know he isn't wrong, that would make sense" L said as he turns to O

"Bro I am not gonna say I have it because we are not sure and that I'm not going to self diagnosed myself." O said in his annoyed angry voice. O got up and went out the basement to get food for them

"Damn it I'm stuck with a loser" L said as he crossed his arms "Oh shut up L at least I don't hide my sexuality!" N said to L as he looked at him, L did an offensive gasp "how dare you!" L said as he puts his hand on his chest "It's true!" N said as he crossed his arms as well

"how about you guys stop fighting." O told them as he gives them a bag of food in his hand "But don't you bully me all the time?" N asked as he grabs the bread out of the bag "Just because I do. Doesn't mean I would kill you!" O replied offensively

"Let's just hope this is over with.." L looked down and shaking like a leaf, O takes off his jacket and gives it to L. "Feeling better now?" O asked as he gets up, grabs a soup can and started to make soup "yeah.. thank you O" L replied

"sooo Y'all dating?" N asked "NO!" Both L and O replied "Geez calm down it was a joke" N said with his hands up "well it's not fucking funny." O told N as he sits with them

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