Damaged Flower

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"You guys stay here. I'll go get some Plims." O said as he opens the basement. Plims are a type of fruit that has a sour and sweet taste! Really healthy for ya!

O grabs his hammer and his back up weapon that his cousin gave him which is a two sided axe with black and red stripes including with a lot of gems! And his ball on a chain with spikes!

"O! Before you go, please be careful" L said in a worry tone "I will L, no worries" O said calmly and left the basement. L and N slowly look at each other. Than they started to insult and fight each other

With O alone

O walked into the forest and started to look around, during the walk he spotted some Splores which that flower is poisonous if touched but it was odd. Those never grew in the forest which is called blue blooms, O noticed it was leading to something but he didn't trust it because he thinks it's a trap so he continued going further and looking at the trees.

A few minutes went by before he stopped. "Those aren't Plims but they are fruit so I guess I'll pick em." O said as he reached to grab a black ball looking fruit from the trees. Those are called Star Spills! Star Spills are fruit that if you cut them it looks like space in the inside of it! Very healthy just don't eat too many of em!

After O grabbed the Star Spills he continued to walk. He noticed the same flowers from before were back and he couldn't go forward because of how many there are. Before you guys ask why can't he just walk on em, it's because Splore can spread like vines but faster including it will create a toxic gas if you step on em.

O follow the path finally and it lead to a huge open area. He looks around and finally found the Pilms, O walks up to the fruit and picks it up. It was quiet until a step was heard, O turned around and saw one of the pink creatures but something was different. It looked very old and it stayed 6 feet away from O. I looked at him confused and a little angry to see one but the creature stayed calm

"I know it must be hard to move on.." it said in a oddly calming and soothing voice. O became more confused "having all the anger still in you even if it was from the past" it continued "but that's alright, I'll create something to make you take your anger out on something you always wanted to take it out on." It said. It started to move it's hand is a circle

O's eye pimple started to shrink in rage knowing what it created out of the goo, it was his father. The man who killed the innocent woman became she messed up one little thint g. O couldn't hold the anger no longer and startIed punching, kicking, using the hammer, using everything he had on him.

He hated the feeling of anger but he hated to see him even more. After 3 hours the goo finally went away, O heavily breath. It slowly went up to O and hugged him "it's okay.. it's all gone now.. no more anger for him" It said, O started to tear up and was very tried from it.

It stopped hugging and waved its goodbyes before leaving. O walked back to the basement with the fruit and his own thoughts.

 O walked back to the basement with the fruit and his own thoughts

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With A and C

C woke up and saw B panicking because of the leg that was cut off of A. G was sitting on the floor thinking of a plan while V l was all tired out.

"You you guys came... what happened to G and V..?" C said in a tired voice, He almost sit up but didn't because A was still asleep.

"I DONT KNOW BUT IM TRYING TO FIGURE WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN TO A!" B said in a panic voice, C looked at B with tired eyes. "He was attacked by those goo things. B." C said as he turn to look at A.

It was quiet until a sound that came from the floor was hit. G looked around "what the fuck?" G said as he tried to get up but still weak as hell. A door knock was heard so B want to look who was out side and saw R and T. B's eye pimples shrink when he noticed a lot of wounds on T's tail. B let them in and told R to set T down on the carpet.

B started to wrap T with ecsap, T was breathing heavily while R is trying to calm down while crying. He was afraid. Very afraid. B turned to R and put his hand on his shoulder, R looked at B

"T will be okay.. no worries.." B said to him but R was still scared "It's not ONLY T it's S he's STILL out TH there" R said while he's ticking in fear. B looked shocked and confused.

B understood what he will have to do. He got up, grab his garden scissors, and one escap. "Don't worry R. I'll find S" B said as he grabs the door handle and turn to look at R

"I promise." B open the door and left the house to find S.

[Sorry that this is short!]

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