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Taking a glance at my watch, I realize it's almost 6 p.m. Not wanting to be late for the evening out with Thor and Bucky, I take one short look in the mirror and notice that my hair is a total mess. Quickly, I make a simple side braid out of it. It is still a bit messy, but that's how I like it. Grabbing my purse, I hurry downstairs. Guys are already waiting for me at the bottom of the staircase and as they see me coming their faces light up.

"You look pretty" Bucky sighs quietly but slightly ashamed, lowers his head and steps back as Loki clears his throat.

"I'm sorry. I didn't quite hear you. What did you say?" I ask nonchalantly as I come closer.

"He said you look shitty." Thor tries to save Bucky from further admonition by Loki.

"Well, thank you, Bucky." I look at his sideways before kissing Loki goodbye. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" I try to change his mind.

Loki gently caresses my cheek and nods. "I'm absolutely sure, darling. You have fun with these two. I know it's been a long time since the three of you did something together."

Relaxing my face into his palm, I smile softly "Thank you, sweetie."

Thor puts his arm over Loki's shoulders and teases him. "Don't wait up for her, brother. The things we have planned for her tonight..." he winks at me and a cheeky smile prevails on his face, making me giggle.

Loki rolls his eyes in annoyance, but is fully aware that they both care about me just as much as he does, so they would never let anything happen to me. "Just get her back in one piece, please." He says anyway.

Thor grabs my hand and almost drags me behind him. "Where are you taking me?" I laugh while trying to keep up the pace with him.

Bucky grabs my other hand and smiles shyly. "We will take you anywhere you want, babe" he says quietly only for me to hear and there's a hint of melancholy in his voice. My heart aches with his.

Guys take you to a pizza place and afterwards you unanimously decide to proceed with the evening in a pub nearby.

It's pretty much clear that I've missed spending time with my best friends. And having a relaxed evening with Bucky around, is also a welcoming change.

After a very detailed trip down the memory lane and a few drinks, I feel like stretching my legs a bit. I stand up and encourage the guys to come with me. "C'mon, let's dance!"

Thor calmly takes another sip of his beer and shakes his head. "I'll stay right here, love. You two go ahead. Go, dance your butt off." He laughs wholeheartedly.

As if waiting for Thor's approval, Bucky now jumps up from his seat. "You don't have to tell me twice. Let's go!" Eagerly, he grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor.

While dancing the night away, Bucky and I are clearly getting more and more comfortable around each other. All the carefree fun, the barely noticeable touch here and there, it all feels familiar and it inevitably leads to us forgetting about the need to hold back on one's actions and feelings.

We continue to dance and slowly move closer to one another. Bucky wraps his strong arms around my waist and all too willingly I surrender into his embrace. Tightening the grip around me, he firmly presses me against himself and our bodies start to move as one. I can feel his hands now all over me, first sliding down my arms, then slowly finding their way down my back when suddenly they are firmly grabbing my hips, pulling me greedily even closer.

In the meantime, my fingers found their way into his hair. The desperate need to feel him touching me, feeling him grabbing me, feeling him... all over me, makes all my muscles below the waist line contract in the sweetest way.

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