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An hour later, our transport arrives and sends each of the couples off to the designated location. Some of us get to take the jet, others are picked up by cars.

Once in the Quinjet, Steve picks a seat as far away from me as possible. He clearly doesn't want to be bothered, so I leave him alone, at least for a while. I don't quite understand what his problem is with me lately, we always work so well together paired up on missions and we used to be such good friends. I smile to myself, thinking of our time in his old apartment, time before Bucky.

The entire flight Steve just keeps staring out of the window, not paying any attention to me whatsoever. Thinking it would be a good idea to clear up the air before we reach the mysterious destination, I try to start a conversation. "Steve..." I call for him.

I'm not sure if he's deliberately ignoring me or if he is really just lost in his thoughts. I decide to go over to him. Gently placing my hand on his shoulder, I try to talk to him again. "Steve..." I say carefully.

And the moment I touch him, the same vision as the last time floods my mind and all my senses again - we're sitting on bed, I'm on his lap, straddling him. Steve's strong hands are all over me, caressing my back, grabbing my hair, pulling me closer. Then he slowly slides them down to my hips, helping me move back and forth, dictating the pace. His lips on my neck, my cheeks, my breasts... He's persistent and passionate, completely out of control.

This time around, the vision is even stronger and more vivid than the last time, it makes me firmly grab Steve's upper arm and moan out loud.

Steve looks confused at me.

Luckily the vision now ends, I fall down on my knees and start having a panic attack. "Steve, I can't... I can't breathe" I pant.

Steve immediately jumps up from his seat and sits next to me on the floor, carefully pulling me onto his lap. He gently cups my face and looks deeply into my eyes. "Baby, look at me, it's OK, I've got you."

Then he hugs me tightly, his voice soft and comforting. "You know the drill... Breathe. In... and out... I'm here for you, baby." He keeps saying it again and again.

After a few minutes my heartbeat finally slows down and my breathing gets more even, but I chose to stay in Steve's arms for a while longer. His embrace helps me relax completely.

Still a bit dizzy, I look up into his luminescent eyes. "Thank you, cutie." I smile at him gratefully. "Hmm... You smell nice... Like hot vanilla cream
with cinnamon." I sigh, closing my eyes and relaxing into his arms.

Steve chuckles. "Good to have you back." Stroking my cheek, he slightly lifts it up, his gaze searching for mine. I noticed his expression changed. His brows lower and knit together, his eyes stare at me intensely. "Are you OK?" He whispers and his concern is heartfelt.

Exhausted from the vision and the panic attack, I nod. "The last few weeks were just a bit overwhelming, I guess."

I narrow my eyes on him. "Did I hear that right? Did you call me baby again, Cap? Because It's been a while, if I recall correctly."

Steve makes a face. "Hey, I've told you I don't like to be called Cap."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." I giggle. "But you are still okay with being called cutie... pie?" I smile mischievously.

We both laugh and for the first time in a long time we are completely comfortable in each other's company, just like in the good old days. It feels nice.

Steve stands up and offers me a hand. "C'mon, let's get you up, I believe we have arrived at our training facility."

As we step out of the Quinjet, we are witnessing a view of pure tranquility. We seem to have landed in the middle of a quiet valley, next to a small, solitary lake. No-one and nothing anywhere near it, just a quite spacious lake house right in front of us, almost hiding in the nearby autumn forest. The house represents an exquisite combination of traditional and modern architecture, as wood and glass uniquely integrate it into the scenery.

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