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With the thought in the back of our minds that we won't see each other for the next few days, neither of us seems to wish to fall asleep. While I'm almost worshipfully rediscovering every single detail on Loki's captivating face in silence, he continually keeps gently brushing his thumb over my lips, apparently doing the same with me.

Admiringly I run my fingers through his raven black hair before my gaze wanders further down to his silky-smooth lips. I let out a loud sigh. Oh, the lips that taste like freshly picked, still slightly wet mint. Lips, that I wish to have all over me now. Well, not only now. All the time, actually. Again, the need for his touch takes completely over me, my lips part in sweet anticipation.

My gaze now slowly moves up Loki's sharp jawline and finally stops at his mesmerizing green eyes that ooze with tranquillity. Instantly, I lose myself in them. And all of a sudden, an old memory floods both of our minds.

"Tony is on his way with the new team member," Thor unusually enthusiastically starts the conversation. Loki doesn't take his eyes off his book. "And?" he rolls his eyes. "Why are you so excited about it?" He stays completely uninterested. "You'll see." Thor smiles cheekily. "Hey, what's up with you today?" He pokes his brother in the shoulder. "You seem so..."

Loki lets out a loud sigh of annoyance and closes his book. "I keep hearing that song again..." he frowns and hides his face in his palms. A brief moment later, he looks up at Thor again, frowning. "I haven't heard it since..." He shakes his head as if trying to dismiss a memory, but suddenly tears up. "I miss her so much" he sighs before burying his face in his palms again.

Thor knows exactly who his brother is talking about, he misses her namely too. Even more than he would ever dare to admit, therefore Thor's heart aches with Loki's. "I know you do, brother" he taps him comfortingly on the back. "Hey, how does the song go again?" He tries to lift his mood.

In the meantime, Tony and I just arrived at the HQ. "I bet Thor and Steve will be happy to see you again." Tony awkwardly tries to start some small talk. I smile, but my thoughts are elsewhere. "Can't wait. It's been years since I've seen either of them."

Tony notices I'm a bit absent-minded and presumes I might be nervous about meeting the Avengers. "You've been awfully quiet the whole way. Are you sure that you're OK?" I nod. "Aye." Then furrow my eyebrows. "I just keep hearing that one song in my head over and over again..." I try to remember when I heard it last time. "While I lived in Asgard, I heard it all the time. After I left, I didn't hear it again till... Well, it must've been ten years since I heard it last..." Briefly shutting my eyes, I shake my head as if trying to keep that memory buried deep down in my consciousness. But it doesn't help. I swallow hard. "It reminds me of..." my eyes well up with tears "... someone very close to my heart." I sigh desperately.

"That's strange," Tony makes a face. "How does the song go?" he asks genuinely interested and puts his arm around my waist as he leads me into the building through a tall, glass door.

As we continue our way down the spacious hallway, I start to sing quietly "It goes... O-o-Ophelia..." But as we enter the main room where the whole team is gathered and already waiting for us, I hear a familiar voice coming from my left. Completely confused, I turn in the direction of the voice and in the corner of the room I spot Loki, completely lost in his book. Then I hear him sing quietly to himself. "O o Ophelia. Heaven help the fool who falls in love."

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