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Reluctantly Loki opens his eyes as the warm morning light starts filling the room. Blinded by the first rays of sunshine beaming through the curtains, he first reaches out his arm for me, but surprisingly finds my side of the bed empty. He sits up suddenly, almost falling out of bed and slightly disoriented looking around for me before noticing a sealed letter with an attached note lying on my pillow. At the sight of it a lump forms in his throat, he hesitantly takes it into his hands, reading it quietly.

Good morning, sweetie.
Went to train with Bucky.
I know things have been quite crazy lately
(well, even crazier than we are already used to),

Loki chuckles to himself.

but I hope to clarify at least one thing
for you with this letter.
I hope you like it. See you at breakfast.
Big kiss, your M

Putting the note aside, he picks up the letter. At first, he's staring at it for a while, as if scared of what it could contain, but then he takes another look at the note and that gives him enough reassurance that it couldn't possibly be anything bad.

Eagerly he opens the letter and soon loses himself in my words.


I awoke this morning with a
smile on my face as I recalled
the dream I had of you.
Soft lips, a heartwarming smile
and a laugh I never get tired of hearing.
On our good and our bad days,
I hold onto the love that we have build
and reassure you that
as long as I'm alive,
I will not let us die.

Place your hand on my chest and
feel the beating of my heart,
while I kiss your lips and tell you
that I love you like I did
at the start of this relationship
that brought forth butterflies
in my stomach and
sweaty palms, goofy grins and gratefulness
that I found the one for me.

The imperfections and the struggles
we face together
are what makes us stronger
and shows us that
this love is worth fighting for.

After years of being alone
and searching for my so called
soul-mate, fate - or even more probable,
an interference of an Odinson
reunited us
and I felt love I never felt before
and do not want to lose ever again.

Maybe I stumble across my words
and fail at times when
you need me by your side,
but trust me,
I notice all your little quirks,
the aggressive and timid sides of you.
Our faded scars are something
that connects us,
proof of how we are meant to be.

This I can say -
that I have found my lover,
my best friend, my beloved.
Forever yours, truly,

Loki stares at the hand-written letter open mouthed, speechless. He sniffs and wipes away his tears that already found their way down his cheeks.

He lays the letter back onto my pillow and gently caresses it, as if tucking in a child. Closing his eyes, he keeps repeating some of the words from the letter in his mind. "Scars? Proof?" He shakes his head, not understanding the meaning of these. Taking a deep breath in, he opens his eyes wide, his breathing exhilarates. Taking the letter once more into his hands, he reads it all over again. Phrases "Worth fighting for... Forever yours..." echo in his mind. He sighs of relief while his eyes are still welled up with tears. Suddenly he grabs his own chest and a blessed smile spreads across his face. He laughs out loud. He feels it. He's finally accepting it. His heart feels full. Full of love. My love for him and his love for me.

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