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The first rays of sunlight lit up our bedroom. I rubbed my bleary eyes and smiled to myself, oozing with excitement and expectations for the day ahead of me, my birthday. My eyes quickly find their focus on that one person that I have the highest hopes for today - Loki. My gaze explores with dazzling admiration every little detail on his adorable face. The even so simple thing, as only looking at him, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm not ashamed to admit that I would do absolutely everything for this man. And I mean everything. I really can't stress that enough.

I scoop closer and place a soft kiss on Loki's cheek. "Sweetie... Please, wake up" I whisper in plead. "Why?" he murmurs, without even opening his eyes. I plant another small kiss on his cheek. "It's my birthday and I... need you," I whisper, then gently capture his silky-smooth lips with mine, lingering on his scent of sweet mint and blueberries. Loki opens his eyes and looks sideways at me. "Damn, woman! Always so needy..." he sighs as if annoyed, but the playfulness in his eyes tells me a different story. I smile and bite on my lip. "C'mon, sweetie. I want you. Now," I pout and flutter my eyelashes at him.

Loki rolls to the side and smiles. "I like the sound of this... Say it again," demands with his raspy, early morning voice. A mischievous smile spreads across my face. "I... need ... you. Now..." I say slowly, kissing his perfect lips with every word. In one swift move, Loki gets on top of me, pressing me down with the weight of his chest. "Happy birthday, darling" he smirks positions himself in his rightful place, right between my legs. "And here comes your present," he whispers before he eagerly presses his soft lips against mine, kissing them over and over again. His hips join the rhythm, firmly pushing and rubbing against mine. In heat of the moment, Loki bites and tugs on my bottom lip, causing me let out a quiet moan.

Feeling his unmatchable lust, his passion, rising from zero to the absolute extent within a fragment of a moment, incites my need for him beyond imaginable. I lift my hips to meet his movements and before I know it, his tongue is greedily sweeping my mouth, engaging with mine in a passionate dance. I run my hands up his sculpted back and find my grip in his hair. I press his head eagerly against mine and deepen the kiss, then wrap my legs around his waist, my longing for him uncontrollable. Longing for feeling his throbbing shaft, feeling him deep inside me, feeling filling me, stretching.

I pick up the ends of his shirt and drag it over his head. Loki looks into my eyes and smirks at my eagerness. A mischievous spark crosses his playful eyes. He sits back on his heels and licks off his lips. He leans closer and gently lifts my shirt just enough to reveal the bare skin of my belly beneath it, then places one single, incredibly soft kiss onto my bellybutton. I arch my back, needing more. I can feel his smirk against my already overheated skin. He hooks his thumbs between the hem of my panties and my skin and in his usual skillful manner strips them off me. My mouth stays open while I watch him throw them beside the bed. I'm starting to get impatient; I need to feel him inside me more than ever. Without any further hesitation, I grab him and pull him onto me, hungry for his touch, for his taste, hungry for the feeling of his magic filling me to the fullest over and over again.

"Good morning birthday girl!" Thor, Bucky and Steve shout in unison as they all of the sudden barge into our bedroom. Unwillingly, Loki tears his lips off mine and I wince in disappointment. Briefly, he shuts his eyes, obviously annoyed by their fairly poorly-timed interruption. "Good morning, guys!" I chuckle breathless, but my eyes stay darted at Loki's. His lips form a line and with some hesitation, he rolls off me. As Thor notices our lack of clothes, he quickly shuts his eyes. "Oh, my..." he breathes out loudly. "You're naked, love" he chuckles nervously and a crimson blush creeps up his face. "Would you mind coming back later? We are... busy," I smirk, still not taking eyes of Loki. "It's okay, darling. It's your special day, so I asked the girls to take care of you till the party, as I'm needed by Tony in the lab," Loki says quietly, explaining why he's even let this interruption happen. I pull him into a small kiss, craving for his taste. "And by girls, I hope you mean..." I raise my eyebrows and look sideways at the guys standing beside our bed. "Me!" Thor shouts as if I wouldn't hear him just because he still has his eyes closed. "Me too!" Bucky shouts smiling, doing a little victory dance. I chuckle. "Me three," Steve says quietly and lifts his hand. "Perfect," I smile at them, but then dart my eyes back at Loki. "Can I get my birthday sex first? Pretty please?" I beg by now and give him my most adorable puppy look.

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