Chapter 10

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~Maka's POV~

"Y-you love me?" I squeaked surprised that he admitted his feelings for me. Our friends have told me before he's had feelings for me but I never listened to them.

He blushed but nodded reluctantly. "I realized it about three years ago, didn't you notice how jealous I got when you went out on a few dates with Kid?" he asked, I remembered how he had pouted in his room after I got back home from those two dates and wouldn't come out until the next morning.

"Soul, why me? Why not Tsubaki or Liz or Patty?" I whispered, trying not to wake up Kalel who had fallen asleep in our arms.

"Because we've been together forever. No one else has; I know I can count on you. You're my world Maka." He whispered kissing my head "I'll protect you forever."

He didn't let me reply before he shifted so all three of us could comfortably fall asleep. Though I couldn't really fall asleep because I heard the zombies underneath us move around. I tried to ignore them; but I couldn't, all I could think about was one of them ripping Soul apart in front of me, while I was unable to move; unable to help him.

So instead of sleeping I thought of what we should do next. Where we should go, what to do for supplies.

I looked down at Kalel to see a horrified look etched on her face. I soothingly rubbed her back until she visibly calmed down.

I looked up to see Soul sleeping calmly; he's never acted so sweetly and relaxed with little kids before, not even Thunder and Fire got to see his sensitive side. Kalel must have done something for him to act like this.

I didn't have to think of anything else before I felt my eyelids get heavy and sleep welcomed me into the dark abyss.

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