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Kid's POV~

"Hey Kid, do you think we could take some of this candy?" Patty asked while leaning down to look at all of the types of candies.

"Only two each, I don't need you two getting out of shape." I replied while getting on top of one of the counters.

Her face lit with joy before grabbing a hershey's bar and a Starbursts package and passed Fire an M&M and Reeses package.

"Kid?" a reluctant voice came from behind me.

"Maka?" I twisted my body to see Maka pushing a stroller with a blond haired little girl inside of it. I jumped down and ran towards her. "Oh Maka, when did you get here? Where's Soul?" I asked while hugging her

"I've been here for like 45 minutes, Soul's with Liz somewhere. I don't know where. He told me to find you." She replied sadly, I had a guess as to what Liz and Soul were doing but I didn't want to say it out loud.

"And who's this beautiful young lady?" I asked noticing the little girl in the stroller; I kneeled down to be around her height.

"This is Kalel, Kalel say hello." She replied fondly. Kalel didn't say anything she just waved shyly at me.

I could tell why Maka was so fond of her, she was perfectly symmetrical.

"Hello Kalel, I'm Kid and this little girl right here is Fire." I beamed at her

"Hello Kid, hello Fire." she murmured

"We didn't expect to see anyone we know let alone everyone we know." Maka told me while we headed towards my waiting spot.

"I didn't expect to see you ever again." I sighed while putting Fire and myself on top of the counter again. I looked at my watch and noticed everyone was 15 late.

"Kid are you here?" A familiar voice said from behind us. When the voice's body came into view it was obvious that they were not happy that Maka was with us."Oh Maka, you're back... Where's Soul? Since he decided to go after you." she sneered

"Hello Tsubaki. Where's Star?" Maka replied back kindly, Tsubaki's features darkened almost instantly at the mention of her boyfriend's name.

"He um.." she eyed Fire who was sitting next to me. "Kid can you come here?" she waved me to her.

"yeah. Patty watch Kalel and Fire for me and Maka, we'll be right back." I said behind me. I heard both Kalel and Tsubaki try to protest when I mentioned Maka was going with me, but I didn't let her leave. When we reached her, it was obvious that she had been crying. "Ragnarok got bit and Star went to help but when we got Crona free, Thunder had been bit and now Star is crying by her body and won't leave."

"Alright, show us." I sighed she started walking towards the aisle I assumed was the aisle Star was in. I could here crying from ahead of me. When we stopped Maka and Tsubaki knelt down, blocking my view of him. " Star? Are you okay?"

"She's gone. I let her die. It's my fault. What am I supposed to tell Fire?" he sobbed, Tsubaki and Maka moved away from him so I can see him clutching her body. "Oh, Thunder I'm so so so sorry."

"We'll figure out what to say to Fire." I soothed "But we need to go. Look Maka's here, and she brought a little girl with her. You could help protect her!"

"No she'll die just like Thunder." he whimpered.

"Kid!" Patty's voice screeched from across the store.

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