Chapter 15

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Liz's POV~ 4 week jump.

It's been 4 weeks since Soul and Maka and their 'adoptive daughter' have attached themselves to our group; it's been 3 days since Soul and I last had sex; and it's been 2 weeks sense I've started to feel ill.

Right now I have been hung over the toilet in the house we had taken for the night, for the past 2 hours. Every time I even think about food I want to get sick, even my stomach has started to grow, though I've barely been eating anything since I've been sick.

I've started to connect the dots, I'm pregnant.

"Liz you alright?" Kid asked, while pounding on the door. I knew he knew I had been fucking around with Soul, but yet he didn't bring it up to either of us, or told Maka. For that I'll be forever grateful.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I decided to suck it up and go out to visit with everyone else since I've been camping out in the bathroom after I threw up all over Tsubaki's backpack while I was sleeping.

Black Star was still moping around, he hasn't been able to forgive himself for letting Thunder die. I wouldn't either he kept her in a cart that she couldn't climb out of the save herself. I'll never let him be around my child; though I haven't been able to confirm it with pregnancy tests I'm 98% percent positive I'm pregnant.

Soul and Maka were playing with Kalel and Fire, I'm not complaining that Soul's back, he's the only one who's able to make me cum so much, but does his kiss-ass of a roommate and the spoiled brat they took in have to be around?

Patty, Tsubaki, and Crona were all making dinner while Kid was making plans for the next week on where we should go for a more permanent camp.

The back door that led into the back yard swung open, "Mom, I have the suppl... Who the fuck are you people!" a male, few years younger than me screeched when he saw us all. Patty sprinted and attacked him, making him fall.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Where's my mother?" he whimpered trying to throw Patty off of him, but her grip is insane; so he'll never be let go unless she wants him too.

"Who are you?" Kid asked while putting down the map,

"I asked first." The guy snapped,

"We have numbers over you, it'll be smart of you to tell us who you are." Kid smirked.

"Where's my mom?" him completely avoiding telling us his name.

"There wasn't anyone here but a zombie, we put her outside for burning." Kid explained,

"Her?" he squeaked, starting to panic.

"We can take you outside to see if it's your mother." Kid offered "Someone find rope or something to tie him up; never know if this is a trap. We may need a hostage. Liz transform, Patty keep making dinner." I quickly transformed into my pistol form, there are multiple pregnant weapons who go into fights up until labor and it doesn't harm the baby so I didn't have to worry about it.

Kid stepped away from the boy and lifted me up to his lips. "Liz, your weapon is heavier than it usually is, is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's alright." That's the only downside to being a pregnant weapon, as the baby grows, your weapon grows heavier from the baby weight.

Kid didn't respond, he just led both of us to him again.

"Don't try to bombard us. The whole house is watching and the weapons we are hanging out with haven't had a good soul in a while." Kid snickered

"Kid be nice, he just found out his mom had died." I scowled. I would hate if someone treated my child like that if I ever die.

We got to the burning pit and the boy instantly started sobbing when the dead zombie came into view.

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