Chapter 17

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"Where's Liz and Soul?" Maka asked worried.

"Probably fucking still." Kid replied, monotone.

"What?" Maka squealed, surprised by the answer she had gotten.

"They're fuck buddies, and shocker she's Pregnant!" He chuckled, though there was no tone in it.

"Really?" Maka asked, heart break in her voice.

"Yep, sorry hun. Your man has a side bitch." I grabbed his arm and started to lead him away

"You can hate on Liz and Soul later." I murmured, I led him into the nearest bathroom and wet a washrag. I started to wipe his face and neck

"How could she do this to me?" he whined

"How could you do it to her?" I smiled sadly down at him

"Because... I never loved her." He murmured, realizing it, tears running down his face again. "We never loved each other."

When I finally cleaned him up I grabbed his hand and led him into my room.

"Sleep, you need it. I'll be in here with you the whole time." I gave him a small smile and pushed him on the bed.

He quickly fell asleep, leaving me to the many books I've wanted to read for a while.

Half way through my book, there was a light knock on the door. I quickly got up to get it; when I opened it, Liz was staring in my eyes.

"You shouldn't be in here with him. Your queer might rub off." She hissed

"Trust me, he has enough queer in him already. He doesn't need mine." I giggled, but quickly went blank, remembering what she did. "What do you want Liz? You have no right checking in on him."

"I'm his girlfrie-"

"Ex-girlfriend." I corrected "You cheated on him."

"And he cheated on me. Our relationship isn't perfect." She scoffed

"He cheated on you for one day, you've been cheating on him for weeks. That's not the same." I argued

"But still." She whimpered. "He's mine."

"Leave, it'd be better for everyone if you just went back down stairs and left him alone." I sighed, slowly trying to shut the door.

"Fine, but if you touch him, I'll kill you." She hissed

"No you won't, I'm his." A husky voice replied from behind me. I felt hands slide on my hips and lips land on my cheek.

"I'll make it up to you, kid. I'm sorry." She whimpered

"Mhm sure you will, now please leave, I have some business to catch up on." He giggled before slamming the door on her and kissed me.

"Sorry we woke you up. I tried not to." I apologized between kisses.

"It's alright, I didn't like that she was threatening you." He snarled

"Calm down, you need to get more rest." I insisted

"Only if you rest with me. You've had just as long as a day as I have." I sighed and walked over to the bed, where kid was, already getting comfortable. I climbed on the bed and sat in between his legs. I re-opened my book and started to read again. But it wasn't long until it was yanked out of my hands.

"Whatcha readin'?" Kid asked while looking at my book, which has dropped my bookmark.

"It's called Fablehaven, please don't lose my place, I haven't looked at the pages lately." I begged trying to grab the book, but he moved it so it was just out of my reach.

"Sounds boring." He chuckled while teasing me with it.

"If it's so boring why won't you give me the book back?" I huffed before crawling on top of him and grabbing it. "Finally!" I went back to my spot and read some more.

About thirty minutes later I felt my stomach grumble. "I'm hungry." I whined while lying on him.

"Get off and we can get food." He chuckled, I quickly did as he said and we went downstairs.

When we walked into the living room to see everyone, including Maka and Patty, avoiding Liz and Soul.

"Anyone make dinner yet?" I asked, making sure my voice sounded cheerful, in hopes to cheer everyone else.

"No, not yet." Maka murmured from where she was on the floor, braiding Kalel's hair.

"We can make it, everyone cool with peaches and beans?" Kid asked

"I'm not that hungry." Liz protested, getting up to leave the room.

"Well, now that you're eating for two you don't really have much choice." Kid replied sharply, Liz sighed while going to sit back down.

I went into the kitchen to open the cans, but something moved in the corner of my eye, catching my attention.

"Uh... Guys, I don't think I'm alone in here." I squeaked I heard footsteps rush into the room.

"Tsubaki, chain scythe." Black Star whispered. She quickly did that and Black Star slowly crept up to the unknown thing. He jumped and slashed down. He suddenly started to laugh.

"Guys, it's just a rat." He giggled while lifting a bloodied lump by the tail.

"Looks like we're having meat instead." I murmured.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Liz warned before bolting to the nearest bathroom.

AUTHOR SPEAKS~ Guys, school just recently started back up for me so I haven't been able to type up the chapters I have. BUT I have all the way up to ch. 20 done, it just depends on when I can get to computer and type. Tell me what you think of the recent events. Thanks for reading and giving this story all the support you've been giving it, it means alot. Love you all.

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