00 (prolouge)

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key words:
Y/N- your name
H/C- hair color
E/C- eye color
S/C- skin color (racist comments will not be tolerated.)
F/F- favorite food
F/D- favorite drink
F/C- favorite color
S/F/C- second favorite color
DtD/O- day to day outfit (basically what you most commonly wear)

that should be it for the key words...and again, i HAVE to give the mandatory warning,
⚠️ this story contains disturbing subjects as; heavy gore, torture, cannibalism, blood (ofc), and other mature subjects ⚠️

Cw for topics in this chap: mentions of mentally abusive parenting, religion, toxic christianity, religious trauma, etc. (if you are uncomfortable with these topics, you may skip this chapter, it's just an introduction)

(Also you have mommy and daddy issues BYEEEE)

you stretched your arms high in the air, moaning as you pop your stuff spine and arms.
you just finished your early morning shift, you worked early hours in the morning so you could enjoy your favorite day of october, halloween.
you never really got to enjoy halloween, but now that you're out of college and on your own, no pesky parents or stupid school deans stop you now.

you were even able to negotiate with your manager to let you off early today so you can enjoy your first halloween...sure, you had witnessed halloween...but never experienced it.

you had basically been a shut in your whole life...your parents were super uptight and never let you enjoy anything, so you basically became accustomed to people telling you no.
and you learned that one of the other upper class families in this town have a child, what was his name...Reynald...?

whatever his name was, you were told he's some sort of 'delinquent' like you. truth is, you weren't a delinquent, your parents were just god awful people and manipulated you and the people around them.

snapping out of your thoughts, you look down at your smart watch to see your shift was finally over.
"yo bossman! i'm headin' out! ya need me to close up shop?" you leaned back and shouted to your manager, Karley who was typing away on her keyboard, the halt in the clicking of keys signaled her response, "go ahead Y/N! i'll go out the back, have a happy halloween, love!" you smiles fondly at the 'pet name', Marline had always been a mother figure to you...she's worked in this old library for stars knows how long...you were proud to be taken under her wing and help her run the library, she wasn't that old, but she's old enough to have started Feigning silver hairs in her black hair.

firmly pressing your palms against the desk and twisting your body left to right, you crack your back one more time before grabbing your F/C satchel and tossing it over your shoulder.
the little sewn on devil patch was loosening again, you took note to fix it up one you got home.

your parents would kill you if they saw you now, they were so strictly Christian that it made other more tame Christian cringe in disgust.

as you locked the front door that opened to the library, your eyes hollowed of emotion as you remembered the awful years you had to go through and being forced to go to that disgusting house of 'God'.

you didn't have anything against christians, at least, not the transphobic sexist, ableist homophobic ones.
you had met quite a few nuns that you played with a lot and gave more motherly influence than your parasite of a 'mother did'. but now, you were up and done with that, you're fresh out of collage, you have your own small house, and you're living on your own. you had to admit, this town was super cozy...but there was definitely something odd going on.

every now and then you would see people dressed in red with golden talismans adorning their neck.

you didn't think too much of it and shrugged it off.
you dig through your satchel for your phone, digging it out and tapping the screen, you check the time; 12:39.
you chuckle at the goofy photo you had taken with an old college friend of your that you had set as your lock screen. you and him got into lots of shit and you hyped him up every time you'd third-wheel with him and his boyfriend.

(Discontinued) Yan!Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now