11 (safety)

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What's up guys I'm back and I'm still depressed but now I'm fast due to drinking two shots of espresso

Anyways here-
Anyways fun fact: started crying while writing the last chapter due to personal experiences with refusal to eat food AINT that fun? (Please laugh I promis I'm okay)

key words:
Y/N- your name
H/C- hair color
E/C- eye color

F/F- favorite food
F/D- favorite drink
F/C- favorite color
S/F/C- second favorite colorf
DtD/O- day to day outfit (basically what you most commonly wear)
Y/P/F- your pride flag (if you openly express or do in fact have a flag :])

that should be it for the key words...and again, i HAVE to give the mandatory warning,
⚠️ this story contains disturbing subjects as; heavy gore, torture, cannibalism, blood (ofc), and other mature subjects ⚠️

Massive warning for this chapter
This chapter will contain; starvation, malnutrition, attempted homicide, Stockholm syndrome, and other things of that variety.


(3rd POV)

Bob searched the house frantically hoping to find any traces of where you went... he checked everywhere... under the bed, bathroom, cabinets, wardrobes, hell he even went down to the basement and couldn't find you...
Bob was on the verge of a panic attack because he couldn't find you... what if you got hurt? did someone take you from him? the the cops raid his home again and steal you from him?!
He was practically flipping the house upside down to find you...

It clicked in his head; the forest.
You may have just ran out into the forest again... what if you got caught in a bear trap again? or worse; caught by a bear?!
Bob was sounding like a worried father at this point... he didn't hesitate to grab his weapons, mask, and bolted to the forest.

He searched for hours... even when the sun went down he still searched for you... his mind was in absolute disarray, he was mumbling to himself, pleading almost, that you were alright...
He was constantly pleading out in the forest, hoping if he sounded kind enough, you would ignore all of his atrocities and just jump into his arms and exclaim your love for him... he truly did live in a twisted reality...
He searched every stone, every tree to find you... before he realized...
The attic...


Bob scampered back to his home and ripped the attic door off its hinges, the ladder leading up to it almost snapping in half by the force...
He quickly went up into the attic and saw you...

With a gun.


(2nd pov)

Your hands shook as you held the gun straight between Bob's eyes... your finger quivered against the trigger.
"Stay away from me!"
You backed up as much as you could before he looked at you with a crazed expression...
You stood your ground and kept the gun pointed at him.
Bob could easily see through your facade... he could smell your fear...
"Y/N, I'm not going to hurt you..!"
Bob spoke with an absolute manic tone, his voice quivering from the instability of his mind...
"Y/N! You didn't let me finish! I said, I'm not gonna hurt you!..."
His voice almost sounded sincere, your shoe made skid marks against the floorboards of the attic as you backed away...

"I'm just gonna b a s h y o u r b r a i n s i n !"
You were ready to pull the trigger...
"I'm gonna bash them right the FUCK in!!"
As he stepped towards you with those frantically obsessed eyes you took a breath and...

(Discontinued) Yan!Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now