06 (not as bad)

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key words:
Y/N- your name
H/C- hair color
E/C- eye color
S/C- skin color (racist comments will not be tolerated.)
F/F- favorite food
F/D- favorite drink
F/C- favorite color
S/F/C- second favorite color
DtD/O- day to day outfit (basically what you most commonly wear)
Y/P/F- your pride flag (if you openly express or do in fact have a flag :])

that should be it for the key words...and again, i HAVE to give the mandatory warning,
⚠️ this story contains disturbing subjects as; heavy gore, torture, cannibalism, blood (ofc), and other mature subjects ⚠️

(Bob's POV)

Y/N fell asleep...they were so precious, their tangled H/C hair just made them all the cuter.
I lay them down after a while, I decided to go get more of their possessions, i was only able to get their clothes, but i want them to feel safe...i'll get their plushies and stuff too.

I stretched my arms in the air, popping my bones and swiftly sliding a key from my pocket.
I jammed it into the keyhole and swung the door open, walking out and locking it behind me again.

(time skip cause enby pal here just had two turkey legs and 7 brownies and i'm on the verge of passing out—)

I stacked about three boxes, they didn't have many possessions, and I didn't know what they liked soo...i just took all of it.
I crouch down and slide my fingers under the bottom of the cardboard box, lifting it with ease and walking out of the house, pulling the door shut behind me.

it was about a 10 minute walk...sometimes I wish I had a car...but if they did they'd have my legal information, and i'd get sent to prison...again.

i made it to my house and stopped in my tracks.
something wasn't right.
the door was wide open.
I dart into house and push the boxes into the corner, quickly storming through my house after finding Y/N wasn't on the couch, with a puddle of blood where their leg had been laying.

I follow the blood trail to the basement...
oh no...i left it unlocked...i can't let them in there...

I slam the door open and freeze.
there it was,

a cult member.

choking my love.

I growl and run towards him, not even giving him time to process me coming into the room, and shoving him against the wall,

I punch him square in the stomach as he sunk to the floor.
I look back to see Y/N standing shakily and holding the stab wound...going into shock as they stare at their blood...

this mother fucker will p a y .

I grab him by the neck and throw him against the other wall, a loud crack sounding from his neck as his neck breaks, but was left alive and paralyzed.

I quickly turn back to Y/N.

They passed out...i wasn't here in time and that old perverted piece of shit got to them...
only stars knows what would have happened if I wasn't here on time...

I look down at his quivering body, his neck snapped, but still alive, "pathetic."

I'll leave him alive for now, he can't move anyways. for now, I have to focus on helping my little bunny.

(Discontinued) Yan!Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now