10 (rip n' tear)

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Hi yes hello welcum back to this surprisingly still going story

key words:
Y/N- your name
H/C- hair color
E/C- eye color

F/F- favorite food
F/D- favorite drink
F/C- favorite color
S/F/C- second favorite colorf
DtD/O- day to day outfit (basically what you most commonly wear)
Y/P/F- your pride flag (if you openly express or do in fact have a flag :])

that should be it for the key words...and again, i HAVE to give the mandatory warning,
⚠️ this story contains disturbing subjects as; heavy gore, torture, cannibalism, blood (ofc), and other mature subjects ⚠️

Quick warning, this chapter will contain; mentions of eating disorders, such as; refusal to eat, non-desire to eat, and just all around that thing...
Homicide/Murder, and Gore... you have been warned


(2nd POV)

You clawed at any surface you could, the surface in front of you just so happened to be the fabric of Bob's red sweater...you nails dug into the seams and scratched his flesh as you tried to pull away,
The pain on your collarbone now more evident than ever, you choked back a scream and doubled over on your side, clutching the area above your chest -which actually made the pain so slightly worse- and brought your knees up to your chest.
You didn't dare look up.
You just knew he was awake...
You remembered what he did to you after he caught you...

You heard him turn to his side, his chest against your tense back.
You didn't dare look.
You didn't dare to breath.
Your muscles were all tense, all your senses heightened, your ears were ringing loudly.
You heard him laugh cruelly at your fear, you knew he was enjoying this. He enjoyed your dismay.
He enjoyed seeing the terror written all over you.
It's always so romantic in stories...but now that it's happening, you couldn't be more horrified.

You flinched as his hand traced up your back and he leaned down.
You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping this is just another bad dream.
Hoping that you were still at the hospital.
Hoping that you were still by Streber's side.
"I know you're awake."
His voice sent shivers down your entire body.
You would try to curl up more than you had already, trying to hide away from him...as if you could.
He chuckled again,

Then it dwelled on you...
As long as he was alive...or he wasn't in prison...he'd...he'd find you...
Your eyes filled with tears as you choked back a sob, your body jerked as a sign that you unsuccessfully choked it back.
The confusion and worry in his voice, it's a ploy. He doesn't care.
He just wants to kill you.
You're just another victim.
He's just keeping you around longer for some sick reason.
Your body quivered as tears run down the side of your face, saturating the bedsheets with your salty tears...

His quiet pleas for you to explain fell on deaf ears...he soon decided to just try and comfort you...but that failed too...

Bob had no idea what to do...
He never had to deal with a situation like this before where someone he loves is crying out of pure fear from him.
So, he did the next best thing.

He got you food.

He set down the platter next to you, hoping you would at least eat something...even if it was a small meal he had prepared you...
He watched in anticipation as you didn't even spare the food a glance, you burrowed deeper under the covers.
Your refusal to eat made him worry more than anything.
"Darlin'...I need ya to eat somethin'...anythin'.., even somethin' small just...- just eat for me...please?"

(Discontinued) Yan!Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now