05 (tender touches)

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(art by the Sr Pelo animators)

key words:
Y/N- your name
H/C- hair color
E/C- eye color
S/C- skin color (racist comments will not be tolerated.)
F/F- favorite food
F/D- favorite drink
F/C- favorite color
S/F/C- second favorite color
DtD/O- day to day outfit (basically what you most commonly wear)
Y/P/F- your pride flag (if you openly express or do in fact have a flag :])

that should be it for the key words...and again, i HAVE to give the mandatory warning,
⚠️ this story contains disturbing subjects as; heavy gore, torture, cannibalism, blood (ofc), and other mature subjects ⚠️

(2nd POV)

as you passed out from the-quite literally- suffocating hug, Bob got bored after a while of waiting for you to wake up.
and so, he went to continue collecting stuff from your house.
unbeknownst to you, an intruder dressed in red cult wear approaching your sleeping figure.

you began thrashing in your unconscious state, as the cult member pressed a leather glove to your face in hopes of silencing you as they pull out a ritual knife.
your eyes snap open as you grasp the hand covering your mouth, only to see a bloodied and twist like knife hovering between your eyes.
your quiet cries only seemed to fuel the intruder's need to drag the knife until your body is spilt in two halves.

as the knife pressed down between your eyes, a slow dribble of blood almost made it into your eye, making your shut your eye as the blood seeps onto the carpet.
with a newfound adrenaline you raised your knees and kicked them as hard as you could, accidentally hitting them in the groin, making your captor fall over and hold their crotch.

you ignored the hot wet feeling dripping down your leg and made a run for it, drops of blood trailing behind you and spilling across the hardwood floor.
you slam the door shut behind you, making it into a room lined with tools you could only imagine are used for torture.

you grasp onto one of the spades covered in crusted black blood and back all the way to the end of the room, your backside against a deep freezer that smelled like death itself.
you take a moment to look around the room.

dried black blood stains everywhere, the walls, the floors, EVERYWHERE.
there were multitudes of different sharp objects that varied in shape and size, all either covered in blood of glistening like it was just bought.
guess that how you could tell which ones were used most...

it didn't take long for the sound of rapid footsteps to reach your ear canals, as the red clad cult member began banging and shoving at the door.

'they do realize they can just open it...right...'
you forgot to lock it, and honestly, you were too scared to go up and lock in fear of having your organs cut out of your body.
the door practically swung off its hinges as the red dressed person lunged forwards to you.

you dove the spade down but missed, only nicking their cloth as they pulled their arm back and brought it forward, grabbing you by the neck and bending you backwards onto the deep freezer, eating uncomfortable cracks to sound form your spine as your assaulter threw your only weapon away.

as they held you against the freezer, they drive the ritualistic knife into your left side, right above your hipbone, but far enough to not hit any important organs.

you screamed in agony, only gif them to be silenced as your killer gripped your throat so hard you thought it would break.
in a state between your unconscious you see something come in from the door behind them.

you cough and choke on your side, clutching your stab wound as your assaulter had suddenly been thrown off.

"d o n ' t . t o u c h . t h e m ."

you were still on the verge of passing out, using your strength to put pressure on the wound and looking off to the side.
in a flash you saw the cult member get thrown against the wall as if they were a doll, hearing a sickening crack as their head hit the wall at a weird angle, and leaving their head lopsided and limp.

you let out a shaky breath as you see the medallion of the cult next to them, with a heaving Bob looming over them.
this was different though...his back was hunched and he was drooling like a dog.
you accidentally squeeze the stab wound and wince.

in your haze you saw the cult member's finger twitch.
they were still alive?!

i guess he snapped their neck but only to paralyze them...
you slowly back away, using your right foot as leverage so you don't move your wound anymore.


you wince and prop yourself up on the deep freezer, you were numb now...

holy shit...you went into shock...

your mind and body was numb, your legs shaky as you stare down at the long streak of blood that trailed down your left leg.
the moment you passed out you were caught by someone, probably Bob. nope, DEFINITELY Bob.

before you went completely unconscious you were placed down on a soft surface, before being left to your nightmares.

they thought they would get away with this, didn't they?

well, mark my words you good wearing bitch.

just because we work together,

d o e s n ' t m e a n I ' l l s p a r e
y o u .

isn't that right,

M R H E L M S ? !

word count: 1067

i know i know this chapter is short...but we have an antagonist,
Mr Helms,
we don't have a canon name for 'the uncle' and i didn't want to use that because it sounded goofy.
so i made up a name for this minor character, im aware that he canonically died by being squashed by eyes but shhhhshshshshsh that didn't happen.

i'm sorry if it took a while to upload, i got caught in family drama that i didn't want to be a part of, and that may or may not delay future chapters.

have a great day/night, and stay spooky my friends!
Olin, signing off <3

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