03 (escape attempt)

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(art by the animators of spooky month)

key words:
Y/N- your name
H/C- hair color
E/C- eye color
S/C- skin color (racist comments will not be tolerated.)
F/F- favorite food
F/D- favorite drink
F/C- favorite color
S/F/C- second favorite color
DtD/O- day to day outfit (basically what you most commonly wear)
Y/P/F- your pride flag (if you openly express or do in fact have a flag :])

that should be it for the key words...and again, i HAVE to give the mandatory warning,
⚠️ this story contains disturbing subjects as; heavy gore, torture, cannibalism, blood (ofc), and other mature subjects ⚠️

A/N: things get serious quick, i decided that there would be a change in mood while you realize you're justified for your panic attack. blood warning and blood drinking if that makes sense

happy reading my dears

(2nd POV)

after a couple of hours you woke up on the couch.
there was a post-it note on the coffee table in front of you.
"i'll be back in an hour. i'm getting your things, DON'T even think about escaping. because I'll find you. and punish you."
you furrowed your eyebrows as the weight started to settle down on you.
you began to hyperventilate.
who knows how long you've been asleep for.
he could be back any minute now.
you snapped your head to look around the room, looking for something, ANYTHING to escape.
the doors and windows were probably locked.

"what the fuck 'm I doing...I should be escaping!"
you shot yo from the couch and checked the front door, and the windows, and of course, as you suspected, it's locked.

you hurriedly looked for a solid object to break the window open with.
you grabbed a sturdy black vase and smashed it into the window.
you climbed through the window as you hear rapidly approaching footsteps.
you stumbled through the window and made a mad dash through the forest as you hear the frond door slam open followed by a loud thud.

"G E T  B A C K  H E R E , R A B B I T !"
the tone of his voice was enough to cause another adrenaline rush, running faster than you ever had into the depth of the forest.
your legs were burning and your lungs felt as if they were caving in.
despite the pain searing though you, you kept running.
you had to run.
you needed to run.

when you were caught up in your thoughts a loud clashing metal sound sounded below you, shrieking in agony as you fall forward while a hot wet substance drips down your leg.
you look back to see your calve clamped in a bear trap.
it had to have been from Bob.
you twisted your body, tears blurring your vision as your hands grasped the sides of the bear trap.

you winced as you used all your power to try and pull the bear trap off your calf.
feeling it snap back and go deeper into your leg made you scream in pain.
you curled forward and cradled your leg.
as quick thundering footsteps near you, you try to stand and limp away, only to realize the bear trap is in fact attached to a chain.
the chain tugging against the bear trap made the teeth of the trap dig deeper into your flesh.

a trail of blood pooled behind you as you held your stomach, feeling nausea wash over you.

" W H E R E  A R E  Y O U ? ! ~ I F  Y O U  C O M E  B A C K  N O W , I  M I G H T
C O N S I D E R  N O T  H U R T I N G 
Y O U  S O  B A D ! "

his angered voice as well as his thundering footsteps made you attempt to pry off the trap once again.
you began to hyperventilate as you struggled to pull off the trap.

" f o u n d  y o u . . . ~ "

you shriek as you were shoved to the ground, making the trap clamp around your leg once again.
a large hand pressed against your mouth and a knife pressed to your throat.

"did you really think you could escape, bunny?! now look at you! groveling in pain because you C O U L D N ' T  L I S T E N . "
you whimper pathetically under him as he presses the blunt end of the knife against your vocal cords.

he laughed maniacally as he looked down at you with a feverish red painted his 'mask' , making him look more psychotic by the second.
you weakly reach your arms up to try and push the knife away.
this seemingly amused him as he started chuckling.

"I'll help you, if you promise you won't try that little stunt again~"
you hurriedly nod, you head was now hurting from how much you had been crying.
his ever growing smile just seemed to widen as his cold eyes stared into your teary ones.

he stood up and went down to your leg that was bleeding profusely from the trap.
seeing the blood his body oddly quivered.
he placed his fingers between the trap and pulled it open with ease.
feeling the metal grind against your muscles made you flinch and cry out.

after blanking out for a moment you found him holding your leg gingerly as he drooled at the sight of your pooling blood.
your body felt numb and tired...you were going into shock.
watching your blank expression was so cute to him.

rolling up your pants leg, he stared down hungrily at your blood covered leg.
he couldn't help it any more. he had to have just one taste.
his long tongue rolled out of his mouth as he trailed it along your calf, making you quiver and flinch as it pokes and prods the open flesh.
bringing his lips to the teeth marks from the trap, he sucks at the wound, drinking as much of the blood as he can.
the blood trickling down his face was enough for you to pass out.

(Bob POV 2nd)

Bob smiles wickedly as he rests your calf on his shoulder, staring at your passed out body on the ground made him laugh.
he gingerly picked you up, carrying you bridal style back to the house.
you sure did make it far.

once he walked back into the house, he plopped you down on the couch and propped your leg up with a pillow, not caring that your blood spilled onto the cushions.
he grabbed a medical kit from the cupboards in the kitchen, pulling out disinfectant wipes and gauze wrap.

he set the medical equipment down on the coffee table, making his way to the front door, shutting and locking it.
the stared at the cracks in the wall from where the door had slammed.
he shrugged it off as it was a normal thing and made his way back to you.
his smile growing evermore as he takes the pillow out from under your leg and placing your injured calf on his lap.

pulling some disinfectant wipes, he starts by cleaning away the blood, and then using a new wipe to dab on your injuries.
he tossed the dirty wipes onto the table and grabbed the gauze wrap.
he held your foot up with one hand so he could wrap the gauze easier.
finishing wrapping your gauze he puts the pillow back underneath your leg, stands up, and puts all the medical stuff back as well as tossing the dirty wipes away.

after he put all the stuff away he picked you up, putting his hands under your armpits and lifting you on top of him.
he lays underneath you and lays you atop of him.
he wraps his arms around your body, engulfing into a hug, pulling your body tightly against his as he breaths in your scent and exhales in bliss.
oh how he's waited for this moment.

he placed one hand on your back, between your shoulder blades and felt your heart beat.
the rhythmic feeling lulled him to sleep as he held you tightly against him.

it felt so.


word count: 1442

ok so i wanted to go for a more crazed kind of approach unlike most of my yandere stories bc this is- yknow- a literally cannibal— but things will get progressively less unhinged the more it reads, i hope you've enjoyed

have a great day/night,
Olin, signing off <3

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