04 (suffocating love)

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(art by the Sr Pelo animators)

key words:
Y/N- your name
H/C- hair color
E/C- eye color
S/C- skin color (racist comments will not be tolerated.)
F/F- favorite food
F/D- favorite drink
F/C- favorite color
S/F/C- second favorite color
DtD/O- day to day outfit (basically what you most commonly wear)
Y/P/F- your pride flag (if you openly express or do in fact have a flag :])

that should be it for the key words...and again, i HAVE to give the mandatory warning,
⚠️ this story contains disturbing subjects as; heavy gore, torture, cannibalism, blood (ofc), and other mature subjects ⚠️

(2nd POV)

warm...why is it so warm...
you can't open your eyes.
you ears feel like their covered and you can't feel anything.
you can only feel as a mass rises and falls below you.
you would feel low rumbles sound out from time to time, accompanied by something tangling in your hair (if ur hair isn't long enough/don't have hair then ignore)

your leg stung.
there was something tight on it.
it didn't feel like it was bleeding.
you felt sick to your stomach as the thought of you being taken back dawns on you.
there was nothing you could do now.
you were laying hopelessly in the psychopath's chest.
his arm was tightly wrapped over you to make sure you don't escape.
you contemplated if you should try and get up, and risk angering him, or running while you can when he's seemingly asleep.

you decided to poke at the escape attempt...again.
you placed your hands to his sides, trying to push yourself up.
you strained quietly as you pushed yourself from his heavy arms.
"where are you goin'?"

your eyes snap to his face as he gives you a crazed smile.
'he took his mask off...'
his features were a lot easier to read now.
pale white skin with ever growing eye bags, stubble flushed against his chin as his hair was styled up in a fuzzy manner.
you would say he's attractive, if it weren't for the fact he was a cannibal.

his hand was pressed firmly between your shoulder blades as he shoved you back down onto his chest.
your arms popped at the sudden movement as they gave in from the force.
the low rumbling sounded again.
it sounded like some sort of growl...was it just from you moving...?

talk about clingy...

"look at you...so pathetic..."
his voice lowered as he stared down at you with half lidded eyes, you felt shivers run up and down your spine like a track marathon....
at the same time, your heartbeat quickened and he could clearly tell.
you kinda liked it when he degraded you.
hopefully that was some mental issue and not a sexual thing...

"I go out for only an hour, and you try runnin' away...you truly are a pathetic rabbit with no hopes of living without me."
you quietly winces as he pulled your head to look up at him.
your neck was severely uncomfortable at this angle as it started to feel as if your muscles were tightening.
your pale S/C as well as your half lidded eyes was almost enough to send him over the edge.
but, he had to be patient.

he moved his hand away as your rolled your neck uncomfortably.
wincing at the one angle you turned your head in he smiled mischievously, placing his sharp thumb against the knot in your neck, slowly applying pressure as you wince.
he laughs at your reaction, pulling his hand away from your neck and propping both his hands behind himself and sitting up.
you quickly moved back now that his arm wasn't on you, backing away into the far corner of the couch and sending him an icy glare, that to him, was more cute than intimidating.

he made his way on his knees and looked you in the eyes, "what's wrong, rabbit?~ scared of lil' ol' me?~"
his low chuckles sounded out through the house, he crawled towards you, hovering above your still nauseated state.
without thinking you grab a thro pillow that was next to you, and shove it in his face, using it as a sort of shield as he froze in place.
"now, that wasn't very nice...~"

he pulled the pillow down from his face, staring at you with those cold and crazed eyes.
in an instant he lunged for you and trapped you beneath him, still using the pillow as a shield you hold it in-front of your face so he can't see the mess you are right now.
scared and flustered.
why were your standards so low...i mean for fucks same he's a cannibal-

you peek out from behind the pillow, staring nervously as he stares dead-set on your injured leg.
you tried to get up but he just pushed you down onto the couch again.

there really wasn't anything you could do...with your injured leg and how much of an advantage you had over you...you just stayed put, hugging the pillow to your chest subconsciously as clatter was head behind you.
you flinch as Bob sits next to you once again, holding disinfectant wipes and gauze.
he reached for your leg and you pulled away, he roughly grabbed your calf making you wince loudly, "stay still."
you watched as he undid the old bandages, and tossed them into the trash.

you suck air in through your teeth as you feel the rubbing alcohol near your leg, it wasn't even touching your leg yet and it stung.
you tense and by instinct, push him by his shoulders.
"what did I just say?..." you kept moving your leg further back until it was squishing back into your thigh uncomfortably,
he sighed in aggravation as he inched the wipe to your wound, and again, your moved your leg out of the way.

he let out and exasperated grunt of annoyance as he grabbed your leg and threw your ankle over his shoulder, he cleaned your wound as you gripped onto the pillow, seething as the alcohol enters your sensitive wound.
once he finishes wiping the teeth marks from the bear trap.
he kept your ankle on his shoulder as he wrapped the gauze around your leg again.
tossing the alcohol wipes and gauze on the coffee table he looked down at you with a stern expression, "see, was it really THAT hard to just let me love you?"
you had no idea what sort of 'love' he was talking about...but it most definitely is not what you defined as love.

"what the fuck are you talking about..."
you flinch as your voice cracks out of nervousness, he stern expression fades as his smile widens, "isn't it obvious, my lil' rabbit? we're in love! we're meant to be!"
the volume of his voice almost made you cover your ears as he spread his arms apart, emphasizing he last two sentences.
"listen...I...I don't know what kind of fucked up shit is going on in your head...but this ain't how 'love' works..."

his pupils seemed to thin like a cats...it would be cute if the situations atmosphere didn't drop lower than someone on a pole.
feeling the temperature drop made your hair stand on end, as well as goosebumps covering the small of your forearms.

" 'nd who 're you to tell me how to live you."
his voice got audibly deeper and more intimidating, is breathing now became heavier and shorter.
he tilted his head and inched closer to your face, he started to drool ever so slightly as he looked at you.

you shriek as he lunges for you, grabbing your arms roughly and pressing you tightly against him in a hugging manner.

"you will never leave."

you wince softly as his grip on you tightens, nod being able to look at him made it all the more terrifying.
" 'nd if you try pullin' a stunt like that again, i may just have to tie you down and m a k e  y o u  l o v e  m e."
as he pressed your face firmer into his chest, making you suffocate and claw at his shirt.

after a couple of minutes you slowly pass out.

word count: 1444

heyhey! here's the third chapie! it's not much but i was working on this since sunday while i was half asleep so bear with me-
but i do hope you have a great day/night, and a happy turkey day!

olin, signing off <3

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