we'll meet again...

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.Tyler's POV.

I had to admit, I think I had a slight crush on Mel. I mean, she was just my... type.

I hope Mel or Josh couldn't tell how nervous I was. Mel seemed nervous too. Like she was hiding something from us. An emotion.

I could see through people like her. She's gone through what I've gone through. She does a lot of things I do, which says a lot. No normal people do those things.

But I was still having a lot of fun. I prayed that we would keep Mel in our friendship. I could tell Josh really liked meeting new people. And breaking their phones, apparently.

In the end, Josh and I finally got our Starbucks we demanded Siri for. Let me tell you, my inner white girl was very satisfied. We sat in a booth right next to the window.

"Hey, Tyler, can I have some of yours?" Josh asked, applying that he wanted some of my drink, of course.

"No." I said.

"Please?" He pleaded.

"Nope." I replied.

"Pleeeeeeease?" Now he just sounded like a seven-year-old begging for Scooby Snacks.

"Nuh uh." I shook my head.

"I'll be your best friend!" He offered.

"Ew, no."

"Come on, this is killing me! Just give him some fucking coffee!" Mel interrupted.

"Believe me, he does not need anymore coffee. He already finished his." We laughed. I liked her laugh.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Josh asked, confused.

"Quiet, Josh. The adults are talking." I sighed. She giggled and I rested my head on my fists, trying to look as immature as possible. She did the same.

"Oh em gee, Tyler! Did you hear that Justin Bieber is gonna replace Zayn Malik in One Direction?"

"Oh em gee, really? But, Justin isn't British!"

"Well, Niall, or whatever it is, is Irish, so..."

"Oh em gee, really? Ew, Ireland is totes last year. I hate 1D now."

Josh just stared at us the whole time. Once we noticed he was staring, he started laughing his ass off. Mel was starting to laugh too.

"I'm surrounded by crazy people!" I raised my arms in surrender.

"Says you!" Josh said, reaching for my armpit and tickling it, of course.

"Don't!" I started giggling uncontrollably, almost spilling my coffee. They laughed even more.

"We should probably leave before old people start hitting us with their canes." Josh suggested.

"Good idea." Mel agreed.

"Let's roll, squad." I said as we left the Starbucks.

"Ooh, since you guys are in a band, will you guys get, like, noticed and stuff?" Mel asked either one of us.

"Sometimes. Like I said, we're not the most famous band." Josh responded.

"Cool," Mel looked relieved. I guess she just has anxiety.

.Mel's POV.

I really liked the guys. Like, friendship way. I liked how Tyler was kind of shy but Josh always tried to include him in the conversation. You could tell they really built off of each other.

They were honestly like an old married couple. Watching them interact was the most amazing thing ever. God, I want a friendship like theirs.

We decided to stop at a less busy coffee shop since we got tired of walking.

"How long have you guys been friends?" I asked them.

They just looked at each other, Tyler responding: "Actually, we're married."

I was absolutely shocked for about a minute until Tyler finally said he was kidding.

"Oh my God, you actually got me there!" I said, laughing.

"Yeah, we get a lot of people with that one." Tyler winked at Josh. "And with our stories of how we met."

I stared at them, confused. "Go on,"

"When we get interviewed, the interviewer usually asks us how we met," Tyler looked at Josh, then back at me, "and we have came up with some pretty interesting stories."

"Ooh," I laughed, "Here, why don't we play a game."

"Keep talking," Josh said.

"You guys tell me the 'stories' you've made up, and the actual story. And I get to guess which one is real." I said, resting my chin on my hand.

So they did. I heard about six different stories. I could tell they thought hard about these made-up stories.

But I guessed correctly, which I was proud of.


"Well, it's getting pretty late. We should start to head back to the tour bus." Tyler sighed, looking at Josh, and then back at me.

"Aw, will I ever see you guys again?" I said, disappointed.

"We'll see. Here, give me your number and next time we're in Ohio, which is a lot because we're from here, we can make plans to meet." Tyler offered.

"Sounds wonderful. Give me your phone so I can put my number on it," I said. He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and handed it to me. It was already on the 'Contacts' app so I just put my number and my name is and gave it back to him.

"While you're at it, put your number on mine, too." Josh said, handing me his phone. I did the same for Josh.

"Great. Well, I hope I'll see you guys again. When do you think you'll be back?" I asked.

"Soon... that's all I can say." Tyler said. That shady motherfucker.

"Right. I'll miss you guys... a lot." I frowned.

"We'll miss you, too..." Josh said, "Give us a hug before we go!"

"Okay!" We all collided and creating a group hug. Fuck, I loved these guys.

"Bye!" Tyler said as they ran off.

"Bye, Tyler! Bye, Josh!" I said. And soon, they were gone. And I went back to my normal life.

But they'll be back... soon.


.Josh's POV.

I was starting to think Tyler had a crush on Mel.

The rest of the night he was completely silent and just paced back and forth. Eventually I had enough, finally got up and asked him, "Dude, what's going on with you tonight?"

He took a few seconds to reply. "Nothing, Josh. I'm just... tired."

"Tyler, what's wrong?" I immediately asked him. He's used the 'just tired' excuse many times before, I could see right through it now.

"Nothing's wrong, Josh..." He sounded terrible.

"Is it about Mel?" I asked him. He just looked at me, with no reply. "Tyler, I said, is it about Mel?"

Once again, he stayed silent.

"Tyler, come on..." I sighed.

"Alright, fine. Yes, it's about Mel." He admitted. I knew it.

"What about Mel?" I asked.


I'm just gonna leave it off here bc I reached my word limit and I'm lazy af
thanks for reading that's very generous of you
stay street U lil bitches ily
- hannah;🌿

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