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.Mel's POV.

"I'm getting tired, babe. Can we go to bed?" I asked Tyler. We were sitting in the couch watching Supernatural. I talked him into watching it.

"Whatever you'd like," he said and kissed my forehead.

"I'm so tired that I can't walk. Carry me?" I asked him.

"Alright, fine," He chuckled and picked me up bridal style, that the remote for the TV in one hand. He turned off the TV and the whole bus was almost pitch black. "That wasn't very smart."

I giggled at Tyler's stupidity. "It's okay, I know this tour bus pretty well. But I'm just warning you, both of our lives are in danger." Tyler said.

"Alright, I trust you."

"Luckily, the lights are on in the bunk room and I hear everyone discussing Pokemon. This will be easy," he said.

"Everyone shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" I heard Josh yell.

"You know Josh, if he doesn't get his beauty sleep he will devastated." Tyler said, making me giggle. He very carefully made his way to the bunk room.

Once we finally got there, Tyler opened the door with one of his hands.

Everyone looked at us and said there "Aw"s and "Ooh"s, Tyler smiled at me and whispered, "They think we're a cute couple, babe."

"We are, though," I giggled.

"You're right." He smiled and kissed my forehead. He put me down but I still stood beside him.

"So... looks like Ty-guy got himself a girlfriend!" One of his crew member's said, getting up and patting Tyler on the back. Tyler nervously smiled and said,


He was so cute when he was nervous.

"I thought she was your sister..." One of the other crew members said and everyone laughed.

"Oh God," Tyler whispered. "This is so embarrassing."

"Let's just go to bed, babe," I whispered to him. "Once everyone goes to bed I'll join you in your bunk."

"Sounds good," he whispered in return.

Tyler went into his bunk and closed the curtain, and I did the same after him.

"Goodnight, lovebirds!" The crew was being a little... aggressive dad-ish about our relationship which I didn't like. I was a bit scared, so many of them, staring and judging Tyler and I.

The next 30 minutes were also hell. Nobody would shut up and they sadly went from Pokemon to football. Josh yelled at everyone to shut up once or twice but they never did. And finally, they all went to bed. And half of them snored. Kill me.

As quiet as I could, I sneaked out of my bunk and into Tyler's. There was a little window in his bunk and he was looking outside. But once he saw me, he smiled.

"Hey, babe." He whispered. I smiled in return. I loved the sound of that word, especially when Tyler said it.

I slipped into his bunk and clung onto him. "I wish we would've gotten a better reaction from your crew when they found out we were dating..." I whispered into his chest.

"Me too. But it's normal, they're all that type of guy who react to things in that way." Tyler explained.

"Oh, okay. Well, goodnight." I said, looking up at him.

He smiled, 'locked' the curtain and closed the window. "Night, babe. I love you."

"Love you too."

I gave him one last kiss until we both fell asleep.


I woke up in a jolt. Something was wrong. I heard crying and yelling in the other room.

I was in the tour bus, and Tyler wasn't beside me when I woke up.

I quickly got out of bed, worried about what could be behind the doors. I slowly opened them, and saw Josh lying on the floor in tears.

"Josh?! What's wrong?" I practically yelled.

"T-Tyler... h-h-he..." Josh stuttered.

"What happened to Tyler?" I asked in a serious voice. Josh looked up at me, his eyes looked like they were burning with tears.

"W-W-We got in an argument this morning, w-while you were sleeping and he r-ran away. He's not calling me back or responding to my texts. I don't think h-he'll ever t-talk to me again..." Josh choked out.

"Josh, we need to go look for him!" I yelled.

"It's t-too late, he said he was gonna buy tickets and fly somewhere... anywhere..."

"We need to get to the airport, now!" I said, trying to pick up Josh from off of the floor.

"I can't go out like this!"

"Then I'll do it on my own!"

I got on my running shoes and tied my hair up. I ran as fast as I could out of the tour bus and to the closest airport. At this point I was almost in tears. I didn't want Josh to lose Tyler. I didn't want to lose Tyler.

I raced down street after street, looking in every cab to see if Tyler was in one of them, or just any sign of Tyler.

I couldn't lose Cinnamon Roll. Not this easily.

I pulled out my phone and dialled Tyler's number. I hid behind an old coffee shop so no one could see me start crying.

Ring, after ring, after ring. I wasn't going to hang up. I just needed one clue of Tyler's location.

Then, voicemail. I decided to leave a voicemail.

"Babe, Tyler, Cinnamon Roll, please, please baby, please come back. Josh has become a wreck and I've been racing all morning to find you. Babe, we're both extremely worried. He doesn't want to lose you and I don't want to lose you. Please, come back babe. You guys can make things right, I promise."

And then, I hung up. And started texting him.

> Baby please listen to my voicemail
> josh has been laying on the floor crying all morning
> im so worried ty come back
> please I just need to know where you went
> please babe, I love you
> come back

And I stayed, sitting behind that coffee shop, crying. No responses to any of the texts. No call backs. And I just cried.

Then, I felt a sudden jolt to my side.

"Mel, baby... baby, wake up..."



I woke up and looked to my side. I was in Tyler's bunk and he was lying next to me, shaking me so I would awaken. I was so glad to see his face.

Thank God it was just a dream.

"Babe, are you okay? It sounded like you were crying in your sleep so I would you up." Tyler whispered.

I clung on to Tyler. I didn't ever want to let him go.

"Everything alright, Mel?"

"I don't ever want to lose you, Tyler."


I'm so emo

- hannah

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