how to: fall in love

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I woke up that morning, and looked down at Mel. She was sleeping soundly, looking peaceful as ever.

She woke up soon after I did, and caught me looking down at her.

"Morning, babe." I said, kissing her lips. She smiled. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"Mhm." She nodded.

"That's good." I said.

"That's how I like to be greeted every morning. Remember that," said Mel.

"I will," I said and smiled.

Mark walked in and saw Mel and I. "Morning, guys. I see you decided to save bunks and share one together..." He awkwardly trailed.

"Yep, we did." Mel said.

"I guess I haven't formally introduced you two. Mark, this is Mel, my girlfriend-"

"I'm your girlfriend? Excuse me mister, but I believe you haven't asked me out yet." Mel said, pouting.

"One second, Mark. I have a situation to take care of." I said to Mark and got out of my bunk. Mark backed up. I grabbed Mel's hands and she came out with me.

"Melanie Norman, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her, staring deeply into her eyes.

"What would you do if I said no?" She asked.

"Probably be depressed for the next year."

"Then I'll say yes, because I don't want my baby to ever be sad." She cooed.

I wrapped her in a bear hug and spun her around. She giggled and laughed and I set her down.

"Mel, this is Mark." I said, finishing my introduction like nothing just happened, although it was one of the best moments in my life.

"Nice to meet you, Tyler's girlfriend Mel." Mark said, holding his hand out to shake hands. Mel accepted and shook her hand.

"I have to go, but I'll see you guys before the show." Mark said, leaving the bus.

"Well, now I can call you my boyfriend." Mel said, looking at me.

"And I can call you my girlfriend." I said, smiling.

I picked her up bridal style and kissed her passionately.

Mid-kiss I put her down and put my hand on the side of her cheek.

She put her hands around my neck and I moved my hands to be around her waist.

We pulled away from the kiss for some air. "I guess I can say I love you now." I said, worried about her response.

"I guess I can, too." Mel said, shrugging.

"I love you." We both said in unison, getting lost in each other's eyes.

"THAT WAS SO ADORABLE!" I heard Josh yell from his bunk behind me.

"I knew it," I grunted.

Mel giggled, biting her lip. I kissed her again.

And that's how I fell in love with Melanie Norman.

~ // ~

That night when we played in Ohio, it was the best show I've ever played. It may not have looked like it, it just seemed normal, but not for me. My heart was filled with love and joy, knowing Mel was backstage watching her new and improved boyfriend perform on stage.

I say new and improved because she told me how bad Ethan was to her. God, I hate that guy. I don't even know who he is, what he looks like, but I hate him. How could he be so ignorant to Mel? It's a shame knowing guys like that are out there. I would never do that to Mel. She means everything to me.

Anyways, Josh could tell how happy I was on stage. He looked like he was trying to be happy for me, which I didn't understand.

Mel was playing Mario Cart with the rest of our crew, getting to know them, but mostly playing Mario Cart. So, I decided to talk to Josh about it.

"Hey, Josh, can we talk?" We were both 'chilling' in the bunk room, minding our own business.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?" He said, sitting up in his bunk which was across from mine.

"It's about our show earlier. You seemed a bit off, like you were trying to be happy for me. Is something on your mind?"

"You noticed? God, you notice everything." Josh sighed.

"So, something is wrong?" I asked him.

"Yeah, something's really wrong," He said, swallowing deeply and breathing in and out strongly. "It's about you and Mel's relationship."

"What do you mean?" I said, my voice cracking.

"When you weren't in a relationship, our friendship was strong and almost... bulletproof. But now that you're dating someone, I have this feeling we might slowly drift away from each other. And I don't want that to happen, Tyler. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I don't want someone else taking my spot for who's most important to you. I don't want you to replace me. I want to be your brother forever." Josh cried out.

"Josh, shh, relax." I said, getting into his bunk, trying to comfort him. He put his head in his hands and sobbed. It broke my heart to see him this way. "I don't blame you for thinking that. I would've thought the same thing. It's good that you talked to me about it."

Josh put his head in the crook of my neck and his tears burned my neck and soaked my shirt. "Josh, if I never met you, I would most likely be dead. You inspired me to be the best I could be, to be happy when times got rough, and to just keep going. After all the things you've done for me, I just want to say, I love you, man. I'll put your needs before my own any day of the week. Any hour of the day. I will always be here. And that's a promise. Please, if anything is on your mind that's annoying you, talk to me about it. No matter how embarrassing or shameful it is. I will try not to judge you. I know this sounds cheesy, but it's true, I don't know where I'd be without you."

"Thank you, Tyler."

"No, Josh. Thank you. For teaching me how to be a better person."


*sniffs air* joshler
wow what an eventful chapter
man that was so interesting to write I mean WOW

- hannah

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