some kind of dinner date

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I ended up taking a nap until 6:00. Josh woke me up announcing we were going out for supper.

"Um, can Mel come?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Josh said excitedly. "Do you want me to call her?"

"Nah, I got it." I smiled, pulling out my phone. I opened the phone app and clicked on her name. I put my phone to my ear and listened to it ring.

After about 5 rings, she picked up.

"Hello?" Her voice chimed over the line.

"Hey, it's Tyler!" I responded.

"And Josh!" Josh yelled into the phone, getting uncomfortably close to my face.

"Don't come near me," I said in disgust. "Anyways, Josh and I are going out for supper and were wondering if you wanted to come with us?"

"That sounds great!" She cheered. We made plans to meet her there, but I really couldn't wait to see her again.

"You seem excited," Josh remarked, laughing. Silence. "Wait a minute..." He looked me in the eyes, "Do you have a crush on Mel?"

"N-No..." I stuttered. Damn it.

"Tyler has a crush on Mel! Tyler has a crush on Mel!" Josh chanted as he ran around the bus.

"Shut up, man! I don't!" I yelped.

"Yes you do! I ship it! Myler!" At this point I could tell he wanted to run around the whole city chanting that I had a crush on Mel.

"Stop it, Josh!" I said.


.Mel's POV.

I hated going to public restaurants... people watching me eat... I just hate it! I wish I could stay at home, but I also really want to see Tyler and Josh.

Maybe I should give them my address so they can visit me when they're in Ohio.

I decided to clean myself up a bit before supper. I took a shower whilst listening to Taylor Swift (I can't really explain why) and got dressed in a pretty casual outfit. I didn't have many clothes, since I had a horribly paying job and had to pay for most of the rent. God, I just realized how much Ethan was an asshole.

But then again, I miss him like hell. The last time I saw him was three nights ago, the last words I said to him were, "okay, be back soon... I love you." and he said nothing back...

Then the tears came. The last three words I said to him before he left me. I love you. And he did nothing in return.

He was "going out to the bar with some of his friends" that night, or he was cheating on me with someone else. But who wouldn't cheat on me? There's so many better girls out there... more attractive, more interesting, more relaxed... I'm just a walking mess compared to everyone else.

I shook my head and walked to the bathroom, putting my makeup on. Mostly eyeliner, mascara, and a very limited amount of foundation, since I didn't have much.

And I was ready. Just in time, too. I left home the exact time I planned on leaving to meet Tyler and Josh.

I didn't have a vehicle, so I took the bus to the restaurant.

.Tyler's POV.

We were meeting up with Mel soon. I was incredibly nervous.

But, excited at the same time. She's a lot like me, so I know she would get nervous when going to a fancy restaurant, so we're tricking her that we're gonna eat at this incredibly fancy restaurant, and then actually go to a Pizza Hut right beside it. I knew she would love it.

The bus stopped. We heard the driver say, "Alright, you two... I'm gonna drop you off here. The reason be, it wouldn't look very nice arriving to some dinner date, or whatever this is, in a tour bus."

"Thanks, dude! And it's not a dinner date." Josh shouted back.

"Goodbye!" He said as the door opened.

We jumped off, wearing some very interesting outfits, AKA the first thing we saw in our drawers.

We walked to the restaurant we were going to meet her at and waited for several minutes.

"Where do you think she is?" Josh asked me.

"She probably took the bus. Busses in Ohio always run late." I chuckled.

[[A/N: Just something I made up idk I don't live there lmao]]

Finally, we saw her walking towards us. She looked at us, then the restaurant, with a worried look on her face. It was perfect.

"Are you gonna say the thing?" I asked Josh. What I meant by 'thing' was the Pizza Hut plan.

"Sure," He nodded.

"Hey, Mel! You made it! You look great! Let's go inside, shall we?" I said, trying to not laugh.

"Yeah..." She fake-smiled. Perfect.

"Doesn't this place look-" Josh started, turning Mel around to face the Pizza Hut, "so great?"

"Wait... what?" She looked back at us.

"Fancy restaurants are for normal people," I said, Josh and I grabbing her wrists and we walked to Pizza Hut.

"True. You guys can hold my hands, by the way." She giggled.

"Right," I said, grabbing her hand. Josh looked at me, then awkwardly did the same.

"It's alright, Josh. I like holding hands." She smiled at him.

I opened the door for Josh and Mel, as they released hands.

"Thanks, Ty-guy," Josh winked at me.

"Stop." I said as he laughed.

Josh and I already ordered pizza, so we were just going to pick it up and eat here.

"Oh, and thanks guys... I really don't like fancy restaurants. It's just not my type of environment," She shrugged and looked at the ground. "and I look pretty terrible."

I saw the chance, and took it. "Mel, you look gorgeous."

She looked up at me and smiled. "You really mean it?" Her eyes twinkled, God that sounded cheesy... but they did.

"Of course I do," I smiled back.

In the corner of my eye I saw Josh looking at us with the hugest smile on his face.

"Thank you, Tyler..." She said, looking back down at the ground.

I shuffled closer to her while we standed in line waiting for Josh to get the pizza. I could tell tonight was going to be a great night.


I'm sorry these chapters are so freaking short but whatever lmao
my word limit is 1000 words so as soon as I reach that I immediately end the chapter I am laughing at myself
but, I hope you're enjoying this so far and I am determined to finish this fanfic bc I never finish fanfics it's getting bad
- hannah

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