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We waited in line for the Ferris wheel. There were many other couples, who apparently had the same idea as us.

"This was a sweet surprise, Tyler. How did you even find out about this?" I asked him.

"The city has a website with all the events going on on it,"

"Oh, yeah, makes sense. So why'd you drag me to a carnival out of all things?" I asked.

"I could've dragged you to literally anything. I just wanted to spend more time with you, Mel."

"That's so sweet, Tyler," I smiled. The line moved along, and soon enough it was our turn to get on the Ferris wheel.

"You don't have a fear of heights, do you babe?" Tyler asked me as I was stepping into the platform.

"No, do you?"

"No," he replied.

"Then we should be fine. If we do get scared, we have each other." I said as he smiled. A bar was lowered in front of us for us to hold on to.

Then, the Ferris wheel began to move. Tyler and I started talking and laughing together, as we held hands the entire time. I learned so much about Tyler. He asked me things like, "when's your birthday?" or "what's your favorite color?", basic things.

I learned that I loved being around Tyler even more now. I loved that he cared about me and wanted to know everything about me. He's truly everything I've ever wanted in a boyfriend.

We went on a few more rides until Tyler asked me if I wanted to leave. I said yes.

By this time it was almost 5:30, so Tyler and I decided to get dinner on our way back.

Tyler's phone started to go off. He took it out of his pocket and looked at it for a second.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" I asked him.

"Oh, it's just Josh. I can text him later." He shrugged as he declined the call.

Then, it went off again. This time it was a text. Tyler read it, looking confused.

"What does it say?" I asked him, confusion dripping in my voice.

"Tyler, please call me back, we need to talk..." He trailed off, still looking confused about what to do.

"Call him back, then!" I said, devastated.

Tyler did so, putting it on speaker. Josh immediately picked up.

"Josh, what's wrong?" Tyler asked.

"T-Tyler, wh-where are you?" Josh's voice sounded incredibly shaky and torn.

"Mel and I are heading back to the hotel. Why? Is something wrong?"

"Something's obviously wrong, Tyler," I said, quietly. "We'll be there as soon as possible, Josh." I said, closer to the phone.

"A-Alright..." Josh said, and hung up.

"C'mon, Tyler. We can't waste any time, your friend needs you!" I grabbed his hand and called for a taxi. We got inside and told the driver where to go.


"Josh! We're here! Is everything alright?" Tyler practically yelled while running onto the bus.

Josh was laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling with puffy eyes. We ran to him and knelt beside him.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked over at us and immediately hugged us. We smiled. "Josh, thank God you're okay. What happened?"

"Thank you guys. For caring about me. For dropping all of your plans to come see if I was okay..." He let go of the hug with a smile on his face. "I was just thinking some deep thoughts and I needed someone to save me. I'm fine now."

"That's great to hear, Josh!" I said.

"It's great to know you're okay." Tyler said.

"Excuse me for a moment, I gotta go to the bathroom." I awkwardly said, standing up and going to the bathroom.

As soon as I locked the door I heard muffled voices. Curiosity fled over me as I put my ear to the door.

"Alright, something is obviously going on, Josh. Spill it."

"Alright, you got me, there's something I've been needing to tell you, Tyler."

"Can we talk about it when Mel isn't around?"

"When is she not going to be around, Tyler? This is exactly what I wanted to talk about."

"Josh, please! She can probably hear us!"

"She can probably hear you yelling!"

Did Josh not like me? What did I do wrong? Does he not trust me? He's only known me for a few days...

I couldn't stand it anymore. I opened the door and Tyler & Josh shut up once they saw me.

"Hey, what's going on out here?" I asked. They both looked at me with a guilty look in their eyes.

"Nothing. We were just talking," Tyler responded, getting up and standing beside me while looking down at Josh. "I think Josh is going to be fine." He whispered to me.

"Thank you guys for cancelling your plans just to check if I was okay. I really appreciate it. I just had a little meltdown but I calmed myself down." Josh chimed in.

"It's alright," I said and turned towards Tyler. "Hey, babe, can I talk to you for a second?"

Tyler hesitated before nodding. "One second, Josh." I said to Josh, he got up and watched us walk into the bunk area while tilting his head.

I closed the door behind us.

"I heard what you guys were saying while I was in the bathroom. Is Josh mad at me for some reason?" I said as quietly as I could.

"I don't know what's going on with Josh. Maybe he's just jealous that I have a girlfriend and he doesn't. His emotions toward things keep changing. Once he tells me one thing, it changes, and I haven't been able to keep up." Tyler explained.

"Can you at least talk to him?" I asked.

"I tried." He responded.

"Maybe he doesn't trust me or he's not comfortable enough to express how he's feeling around me," I thought hard. "Or maybe it's you." I looked up at Tyler.

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked.

"Maybe he thinks we're taking things too fast and he's scared that you'll get your heart broken." I said slowly.

"... Maybe." Tyler looked down.

After a moment of silence, Tyler spoke again. "Maybe we should start over."

"Yeah, maybe we should." I slowly nodded.




- hannah

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