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.Tyler's POV.

Earlier, when I forced Josh to leave, I wanted to kiss Mel. I'll admit it. But knowing Josh, he was probably watching the entire time from somewhere.

Mel was just about to go home for the night, and is coming back tomorrow morning with her bags and everything for tour.

But I can tell she didn't want to go back to her place. It reminded her too much of her boyfriend leaving her. I think it was for the best. But she's been taking it out on herself, blaming herself for her boyfriend dumping her.

I pulled Josh off to the side while she was taking one last look around the place.

"Josh, I don't think Mel wants to go back to her house. Maybe we should let her sleep here tonight." I whispered.

"Are you sure? Maybe she's just nervous. I mean, a lot has happened in the last 48 hours for all of us, I'd say."

"No, I'm sure. It reminds her too much of her boyfriend."

"Okay. Go ask her if she wants to stay here for the night, then."

I nodded and found Mel in the music room. She was mesmerized, looking at all the instruments, stuff like that.

"I did not think you played trumpet." She said once she noticed me, holding Josh's red trumpet.

"No, Josh plays the trumpet." I said.

"Interesting," she said in return. "So, can you really play all of these instruments? Minus the trumpet." She giggled.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"Really? Okay. Play me a song on your precious ukulele, macho man."

"Oh, please. The ukulele's what I'm known for. And also, I beat up a kid once. I was 7 and he was 5. It was intense." I said, grabbing my ukulele from it's little stand and sitting next to her on a speaker we have in there.

"Oh, shut up already. Just play the song," She said, looking at the side of my face, grinning.

I strummed a couple chords, tuning it, making sure it was perfect.

Then I started to sing.

"I was scared of dentists and the dark
I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations
Oh, all my friends are turning green
You're the magician's assistant in their dream"

I turned, maintaining eye contact.

"Oh, oh, and they come unstuck
Lady, running down to the riptide
Taken away to the dark side
I wanna be your left hand man
I love you when you're singing that song and
I got a lump in my throat 'cause
You're gonna sing the words wrong."

I decided to end it there, I didn't feel like singing the entire song. Just a sample is enough.

Once she realized I was done, she spoke. "Tyler... oh my god!"

"What?" I asked.

"Your voice! It's the best voice I've ever heard!" She exclaimed.

"Really? You think so?" I asked.

"Hell yes!" She said.

"Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, Tyler." She said. I turned my head, and our eyes met. I didn't really mean for it to happen, but I'm glad it did.

She blinked, I blinked, blink-182.


Then, we started leaning closer together. At the exact same time. I looked at her face, her lips, her nose, all up close. All beautiful. I put my hand on the side of her cheek.

Then, we kissed. Finally. It finally happened. She grabbed my hand and pulled away from the kiss.

Our foreheads were still pressed together, she was still staring into my eyes.

"I sure as hell needed that today." Mel chuckled under her breath.

"I did too. I really like you, Mel. I have for a while." I said.

"We met less than 48 hours ago, you loser." She giggled, kissing me on the cheek. God, it felt good.

But then, Josh walked in. Right as she kissed me and noticed how close together we were.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT THIS WHOLE TIME! IT IS TRUE!" He chanted. Mel and I just stared at him. As he chanted more things, we looked at each other and kissed again. This time, even better. It was like a scene from a boring, cheesy rom-com, except I enjoyed it. Really enjoyed it.


"Just shut up, Josh."

.Josh's POV.

I had watched them kiss for the first time before, but Tyler didn't have to know. I didn't barge in at that moment because, honestly, it reminded me too much of the dream.

I cringed as I thought about it, but I tried to be happy for Tyler and Mel. And then I remembered Debby. My ex-girlfriend. I missed her a lot. But I don't know if she feels the same way, or if she's moved on...

I would've been the 'Classic Josh' and tried to hit on Mel or something stupid like that, but truth is, I haven't moved on.

I don't know how to be with another girl after Debby.

I was even planning on proposing. That's what was the worst part.

"Something wrong, Josh?" Tyler asked me. He must've recognized the look on my face.

I gave him a look saying, "we've gotta talk, bro."
He looked at Mel. "Hey, Mel why don't you go get your stuff now? Josh and I have some band stuff to talk about."

"Oh... okay..." I could tell Mel was very disappointed. I felt really bad since they just shared the cutest moment EVER and now he's asking her to leave.

"I'll see you guys in about half an hour." She said, heading to the exit of the bus.

Once we heard the door close, Tyler sat closer to me.

"What's going on, Spooky Jim?"

Perfect timing for the use of that nickname.

"Well, seeing you and Mel being all cute and couple-y... it reminded me of Debby." I said, looking into Tyler's eyes.

"Dude, I'm really sorry about the breakup. I know it's been hard on you, you haven't been the same since."

"You noticed?"

"How could I not? I'm always looking out for my best friend." He put a supporting arm around my shoulder.

"Thank you, Tyler..." I started, taking a deep breath. I knew this conversation was going to be hard for me.

"What's wrong now, Josh?" Tyler asked.



- hannah

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