new friends

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I called Tyler on my phone.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey, babe, where are you?" I asked him.

"Oh, just at a coffee shop downtown. Sorry I ditched you while you were sleeping... I just needed an energy boost," he chuckled.

"Okay, I'll see you soon, then." I said, smirking.

"Yep. Bye, Mel." He said, and I hung up.

"He's at a coffee shop somewhere downtown. Can you help me find him?" I turned to Josh.

"Only because you guys are the cutest couple I've ever seen." Josh said, slowly getting up from the couch.

"Thanks, Josh!" I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the tour bus.

"Here, I have a phone tracker app on my phone. I bet I can track down Tyler's phone and see if he was telling you the truth." Josh said, pulling out his phone.

"Okay, but make it quick. I wanna find this 'Jenna' and smash her face in."

"Alright, he's at a Starbucks a few blocks away from here. I guess he wasn't lying about that..."

I smiled, then realized I was still holding Josh's hand. And I kinda liked it.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Josh asked.

"Oh, yeah, let's go!" I said, I led Josh as he told me were to turn.

"Okay, we made it. The truth lies behind these doors," Josh said to me. I inhaled deeply. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I nodded.

"Okay. 1, 2, 3." Josh opened the door and looked around. And there was Tyler, sitting with another girl, talking.

"Quick! Hide before they see us!" Josh whispered to me. He slipped into a table with our backs facing them, Josh putting his hood over his head.

"I fucking knew it. How could he do this?" I said to Josh.

"It's okay, Melanie... it's okay..." Josh said, putting his arm around me and pulling me closer. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks, Joshua." I smirked, looking up at him. I felt eyes on me. Like someone was staring.

I slowly turned around, and it was Tyler. I pretended like I was looking out the window, trying to hide my face.

"I just don't understand it, though. I mean... she is prettier than me... and probably has more personality... but..."

"Mel, don't say that. You're a beautiful, funny, caring girl. There's many people out there for you, maybe Tyler turned out to not be one of them. I know I'm his best friend and all, but you could do better than someone who would decide to cheat on you." Josh said to me.

"That was so sweet, Josh," I smiled. "You really think I could do better?"

"Of course you can." He said, and I hugged him.

"Thank you, Josh. You really opened my eyes. Now, let's go back to the bus." I said, grabbing Josh's hand. I have Tyler one last glare before we walked out, and fear struck his eyes as I smirked. "Bye, Tyler." I mouthed to him.

He said something to his precious girlfriend and ran to me.

"C'mon, Josh, we need to go faster!" I whispered to him.

"Mel, babe, I can explain!" I heard Tyler yell from behind us. "And I'm not going to give up until you let me!"

I stopped. I believed Tyler. Tyler wouldn't cheat, he knows better.

"Mel? What are you doing?!" Josh yelled.

"Maybe I should let him explain." I replied.

"Remember what I told you?" Josh said, stepping closer to me.

"Yeah, yeah... but I don't think Tyler would lie to me like that. He's not that type of guy."

"But what about everything I told you?" Josh asked.

"I'm sorry." I said. Before I turned around, Josh grabbed my shoulder.

"Mel, wake up."


"Mel, wake up!"

I opened my eyes instantly and saw Josh standing overtop of me.

"You slept over 2 hours, so Tyler told me to come in here to wake you up. Did you have a good sleep?" Josh asked.

"Oh, yeah." I nodded.

"That's good. Tyler and I are gonna go out for breakfast soon and we obviously wanted you to come," He said.

"Okay, sounds good. I'm starving."

Josh smiled at me and left for me to get changed, and I did. A couple minutes later I walked out of the bunk area into the living room, where Tyler greeted me.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead. "Have a good sleep?"

"Yeah, thanks," I said.

He smiled. I looked over at Josh, he was sitting on the couch, smiling at his phone.

"What are you smiling about, Josh?" I asked him. His head jerked up from his phone.

"Oh, nothing important," he said.

"It's a girl, isn't it?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, but I don't have a crush on her. She's just my friend," Josh said in return.

"At least tell us who she is!" I said.

"It's Halsey." He told us.

"Oh my god, really?!" I yelled, jumping onto the couch, staring at Josh. "Dude, I love her music! This is awesome, please set something up so I can meet her, that would be AMAZING."

"Okay, Mel, calm down," Josh replied. "I'm sure I can set something up."

"Thanks, Josh!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. I felt him smile.

"Okay, break it up you two, there's a small bean starving over here." Tyler interrupted.

I giggled and separated the hug. Josh put his phone in his pocket as he got up. "Tyler, I'm too comfortable. I can't get up,"

"Fine, I'll help you," he said. He walked over and grabbed my wrist, pulling me off of the couch.

"Thanks," I said, smiling. He slid his hand down and grabbed my hand. Butterflies flew around my stomach.

"Where do you want to go?" Tyler asked me.

"Babe, you don't have to ask me... where do you guys want to go?"

"How about Starbucks?" Josh asked.

"I'm down for that." Tyler nodded, looking at me for a approval.

"Sounds like a plan! Starbucks it is!" I cheered. Tyler smiled.

We all walked out of the bus, Josh walked ahead of Tyler and I, allowing us to have a little privacy.

"I'm glad Josh is talking to a girl. I was starting to feel bad for him, he probably was feeling a little left out." I semi-whispered to Tyler.

"You're right," He smiled at me. God, I loved his smile. No matter how bad of a mood I was in, his smile could always cheer me up. "What are you thinking about, babe?"

"I like your smile. I like your smile a lot." I said, putting my nose against his for a moment.

"I really do love you. You know that, right?"

"I always will." I pecked his cheek.


sorry I haven't updated in a little while lmao oops
I started school last tuesday and I hate everyone there so that has been keeping me busy

- hannah

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