3| Sealed with a vampire's kiss

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𝟏𝟓𝟗𝟐 | 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞

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Stepping around the bodies on the ground, he entered his home with Yunho in his arms. Seonghwa stilled in a moment of confoundment. 'What was he doing?' he asked himself thousands of times before he eventually walked past the few rooms into his sleeping room. He stared a little at the stuffed bed, the thinking creating a deep furrow between his brows. Seonghwa crouched down when he gently laid the warrior down into his bed, grimacing at all the mud he brought into the furniture. He must ignore that for now.

He could clean it up later.

Yunho didn't stir a single time when he rolled down into the bed. It seemed life had left him anyway.

Seonghwa pulled out the chair from the corner of the minimalistic room and silently sat down, face drawn in many thoughtful lines. He had been told about this practice at a time when he had been traveling the world. At some point when he had met one of his own kind, had he stayed with her for a couple of weeks before he moved on. It was a middle-aged woman - she had been odd in every possible aspect, but Seonghwa had thought she was a rather interesting character for that. The stories that she had told him were fascinating if not entrancing; she was a true storyteller - surprising Seonghwa every time she added the most unpredictable things in the most absurd situations. One story, in particular, had caught his attention while she one evening by the open bonfire had sat on the opposite side of the fire. Seonghwa had a hard time remembering all details; only still having the way her blood-red eyes had stared deep into the flames hiding in his memories. Although he didn't remember the intense story that night, he could remember how she claimed that she could see the future. The woman was mad, for after that she had told him how it was possible to turn a dying human into one of their kind. Something that Seonghwa thought sounded absurd. He killed to live, in no way could it be true he was able to turn the dead alive again.

But she was adamant about it.

Seonghwa had never experimented with her assertion before. This had to be a first.

Moving the bodies inside the spacious setup within the darkest part of his home, Seonghwa huffed at the last one as he lifted it up onto the boards going through the room. He fetched the bowl standing on the floor where he had left it a moment before and found his dagger. With the sharp item, Seonghwa started cutting the body open, leading it across the stomach and instantly pushing the bowl under where the strings of blood started to drip down against the floor. He cut open the rest hanging limbs and pushed with his foot the other empty bowls under the draining body.

Seonghwa took a step back and drew his gaze around the room, feeling satisfied with the final result of today's work. He licked his lips.

The room was cursed in any possible way. New scarlet-red drops of blood were scattered across the wooden floor, adding up to the many layers of old stains there had been drying there since the building had been built. At the time he had shown his drawings of the hanok , the carpenters had immediately seen the odd spacious room with no opening except a single door, and asked him what he was going to use all that space for. Seonghwa never gave them an answer but they became the first ones to try the new framework.

He left the heavy smells of the morgue, making sure to close the door after him. A few fat drops of the liquid rolled down his fingers, and not long after his tongue lapped over them, removing all signs of bloody murder again.

Seonghwa acted on instincts.

His legs strode to his room, feeling how nerves fickled under his skin from all the blood that had clouded his mind. Nothing had changed in the time he had been busy. Yunho still lay unmoving where he had left him a few hours ago, and Seonghwa was not sure of what to do. Considering that he had only the faint memory of the odd woman's words, it was understandable that Seonghwa found himself a seat in the chair in the corner of the room to ponder what he might have forgotten. Yunho was not exactly dead, but his breathing weakened with every moment passing.

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