14| Sweet talk

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𝟏𝟔𝟑𝟕 | 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤

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When they returned to the hanok, Seonghwa had told San he could sleep on the floor in the spare room. And that would be his only option. The ancient vampire had not waited for his newest addition to find his way to the spare room or to question him further - no, he had simply walked off, thinking that he could figure it out himself. He had given him a choice, and that must surely be enough for now.

Seonghwa had fetched a bowl from their room with supplies and slowly sipped on the liquid as he could not stop his thoughts from circling the possibility that villagers might come back and research their place. And then have uncovered the truth of their true nature. It would force them out on the run again, and Seonghwa knew that San would make it a hard time. Despite his currently gained control, Seonghwa was more than certain a living human would be enough to trigger his uncontrollable desire to kill. He would not be easy to stop again. From what Seonghwa had gathered of information on his own, he assumed San came from a wealthy family, thus his disappearance would not be without any quandary.

They would come back... however much Seonghwa hoped they would not.

He trailed his little finger along the lines in the bowl, gathering all the remaining blood clinging to the bowl's surface, and after lifted the finger and studied the way it rolled down the side of his finger. Before the drop could continue down the back of his hand, Seonghwa sucked the blood off his finger. Outrageous sweet.

As he savoured the taste on his tongue, he put away the bowl on the table they used for stacking up the empty bowls. The table was beginning to fill with stacks at the number of eight and nine. The sight had Seonghwa slam the bowl down with a somewhat snarled vein as he glared at the crooked way the bowls turned to him. They were empty and Seonghwa had no grasp of when it would be unseen to hunt again. With one more hunger to satisfy they would need more blood than priorly.

Seonghwa ignored it for now, but the irritation was burning him on the inside of his eyes. Perhaps, he should let the fledgling loose when he could not handle the hunger any longer. San could kill the entire village in a few hours if he was hungry enough. Yunho could help him - then they would be finished before the sun would rise and no one alive would be left to pass on the word. Seonghwa could burn it all down and the lands would be leveled with ashes from screaming mortals. He liked the idea quite much. Seonghwa was tempted.

The hanok was quiet, like usual. Seonghwa found himself following the naked walls to his private chamber. The room was simple. He had his bed, a chair, and a desk with a few stray parchments and a stack of journaling books. The rest of his items were scattered around in the house where he found them belonged to. It was his property, after all.

With the last straying look across the shadows looming in the room, Seonghwa laid down in the bed, his limbs growing heavy the instant moment he rested on the surface. His body sunk deeper into it, his arms folding on top of his abdomen as he closed his eyes to a building full of whispers. It made his sensitive hearing tingle enlivened.

"Do you... do you murder people?"

"San-ah, we.. we need blood to survive..."

There was a pause as someone drew in a breath of air. Seonghwa could not surmise who of them.

"But you have been.. killing people from the village?"

Seonghwa could hear the bobbing of a throat.


"It was never the wilderness.. you have been murdering family members for so long - I have always been told to fear the forest's unsated beasts."

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