Chapter 2 - The Monster

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As I woke up my eyes still a little blurry, I tried to move and I then saw I was tied to a chair.

I then heard the door open and that same mysterious man walked in with a sinister smile.

"Please...Let me go," I say weakly with tears running down my face. He walked to a table which held torturing weapons.

More tears ran down my face. "Do you know the saying 'curiosity kills the cat' princess ?" He says looking at me with a devilish smile.

I looked at him, instead of sadness I felt rage, "Go to hell!"
He chuckled, and I then earned a hard slap to the face.

"To bad I have to ruin your beautiful face," he then walked back to the table and took a iron rod.

"What you are you going to do? hurt me? "

He then took out a lighter burning the top of the iron rod. Fear then took over my body.

"No sweetheart I am gonna do more then just hurt you I am going to make you wish you were dead," and just like that he checked if the iron rod was red enough and pushed deep into my skin, burning it. I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Before I could react he punched me in the face. Blood poured from from my mouth. The taste of iron lingering in my mouth.

He then took out a knife and said, "Count every single cut I put on your body. "

He placed the cold metal knife on my thigh,
" One ."

Then my hand,
" Two. "

Then my stomach,
"Three. "

Tears streamed down my eyes like a water fall "please leave me..... Please it hurts... Stop! "

He then punched me, "Shut up! "

It's been days since I was trapped in this shit hole he never gave me water nor food.

Every day at the same time he would come and torture me and the funniest part is he was right I do wish I was dead. Every ounce of my body was in pain.

That's when I hear the door open, not having the energy to even look up I stay still staring at my bloody thighs.

He then grips my hair pulling it up, so I could look at him.

He looks deeply at me and he takes a knife and cuts the rope off my hands,
"Don't you think I will try and escape?"

"Even if you wanted to, you can't love you to weak to even stand up." He wasn't wrong.

He then kicks the chair back, causing me to hit my head on the floor he puts a bucket of cold fresh water a few good feet away from me.

I look at him and he says,"Bet you thirsty go... Go drink."

I start to crawl towards it. Lowering my head and start gulping before I knew it, he pushed my head in the water drowning me. I try gasping for air but I instead got water clogged in my throat. I started coughing. He picks my head up and pushed it back down.

Once he was pleased he pulled me out of the water and kicked me. He started walking towards the exit.

"You a Monster."


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