Chapter 4- Mother

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I woke up, with bright lights hitting me. I started adjusting to the light, confused as to why I am not in my cell.

I then look next to me and I see the monster sleeping on a sofa, this is my opportunity. Before I could think I pulled all the cables off me and tip toed to the door. I slowly opened it and closed it.

I then started running, as far as my legs could carry me. I then see a large door and ran to it. "Hey, stop !" someone shouts. I ignore them and continue to run.

Before I could touch the door someone graps me to they chest. "Fuck you have one hard chest," I say while looking up seeing the monster. Tears brimming in my eyes, memories rushing in.

"Let me fucking go you cunt, " I say with pure anger.

"You hurt princess, you need rest, " He says in a soft tone, like that is going to change anything. "I wonder why I am hurt, oh wait I remember because you tutoured me for god knows how long."I say with tears running down my face

I see a glint of guilt flash in his eyes.
"Don't cry my love," he says while brushing my check with his thumb.

I hit his hand away, "cut the shit. "

"I hope you will understand why I am doing this love, you not in the right state of mind. " Before I could comprehend what he had said he injected me with something.

Darkness then consumed me "I hate you."

Alexander POV

"Take her to my room now," I say to one of my men. "Where are you going to sleep?" Ryan asked. "I don't fucking know," I say with irritation. "I am going to sleep."

As I layed in one of the guest room I had. I let sleep consume me.

"Alexander come let me teach you how to be a man, " father says. "Yes sir."

"Sit ." I sat on the chair he locked my hands up ,and then my feet. "Watch if you close your eyes I will hurt you."

"Bring her in." two of fathers men came and dropped mum on the floor she was covered in dry blood.


"Do it."

Two men walk in and burned the top of a  iron stick and placed it on her cheek. She screamed so loud it broke me. They then took out a hammer and trears came out like a river. Dad saw and slapped me across the face. "Stop being a fucking bitch!"

They then started smashing her hands over, and over and over again.

"Please ... STOP."

They stopped and moved to her head. "Do it." the men then nodded.

"I love you son, promise me you..."

Before mum could finish her sentence, blood, and pieces of brain were all over me.

"I love you to mum."

I then woke up sweat blistering on my face what were you gonna say mum what?

"Fuck this shit I need a cigarette."

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