Chapter 9- Ria Sorella

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As I was about to walk away, Alexander grabbed my wrist and pushed me back against the wall locking me with his hands.

I winced, Alexander then looked confused, "why did you wince?" I quickly hid my hand behind my back, he picked up my hand and looked at the cuts. "fuck Mia, you hurting yourself."

He then pulls me into his chest and hugs me, "it's okay, bellissma if you not ready to tell me I won't push it, but you sleeping in my room until you stop cutting yourself." he says with kindness.

My face feels hot. Alexander go's down to my height and pushes a strand of hair away from my ear, and whispers " you look so cute when you blush, ..... For me. "

" come bellissma, lets go eat. " we then started walking towards the kitchen when we saw a girl with pink and black hair, eating cereal.

She then noticed Alexander and ran towards him and hugs him. "Sorella, It's been so long." Alexander says chuckling. "Fratello , I missed you so much."

"who is this, is she your girlfriend?" the girl ask. "oh, Mia this is ria my sister, ria this is Mia." Alexander says, blushing a little.

"Hey," I say awkwardly. She then starts to giggle, and hugs me, "hi, you really gorgeous," she says with a big smile.

"I am not staying long, I just came to see Alexander, I have some really important news for you." she says nervously.

Alexander POV

When I saw ria in the kitchen I new she had bad news as it she is a assassin she wouldn't make special trips just to see me.

" let go to your office. "she says, once we reached it I closed the door, behind me.

" what is it sorella? " I say in patiently.
" dad is after Mia, I knew about her the whole time brother, I support you but dad doesn't he even brought back up, knowing you are strong. "

" Fuck! Why the fuck would he do that?" "he said she is making you weak."

"it's okay fratello, I will be here when you need me, remember I am just a phone call away, I must leave now I have a job to do."

Ria then left, when I went back to the the kitchen, there was pancakes and a cup of coffee, with a sexy girl sitting on counter drinking coffee.

I then walked to her and wrap my hands around her, "what's wrong?"she says." I am sorry, for kidnapping you and torturing you. "
" maybe I have slightly forgiven you. "she says with a giggle.

In the end, I know I am not good for her because I know that I am a Monster, while she is a angel, I am just going to break her heart in the end, but you can't change a selfish man can you?

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