Chapter 17 - It Is Her

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Ryan POV

As I walked up the stairs with anger fuelling me. Mia is like a sister to me and Alexander knew that.

I reached his room pushing the door open. I looked around seeing no girl but Alexander sitting on the bed.

"Why the fuck would you bring a slut here!" I say while bringing up my hand and punching him.

He sat on the bed unfazed that blood is running from his mouth.

I pull him by the collar picking him up from the bed. "why!"

The door then opens and..... Alexis walks in leaning against the wall. She scoffed, "because I am his wife."

I turn my head to Alexander, "she is speaking shit, right?" He looks at me with a sad look.

My eyes went wide, "AFTER SHE FUCKING KILLED MY SISTER!" I let go of his collar.

Making my way to the door, "some friend you are."

Alexander POV
As I watched my best friend that was like a brother to me walk out the door  broke my heart.

When I left the training room, walking to the bathroom getting ready to shower.

I jumped in the shower. When I was done showering I walked out with a towel rapped around me, not seeing Mia she probably went with Ryan and Ria.

I changed into a pear of black jeans and I shirt. "hello Alexander."

That voice it sounds so familiar I turn around seeing Alexis. "Why the fuck are you here!" I say with anger.

She lifts up a phone "shut up and listen." She then plays a video.

I watch seeing a woman her body is full of blood, her neck is chained to a wall, while she sits on a mattress on the floor.

A man then walks in carrying a baby's bottle. "Hello baby girl ," he says while placing the bottle next to her,"I brought you some wine."

"Thank you Master," she says kissing his shoe. "Good Marie."

Wait...... Mum.

"Why the fuck does she have the same name as my mum?" I say in anger. Alexis scoffs, "because that is her."

"LIES!" I say confused, "she died I watched her die..... I saw it happen in front of me."

"That was her twin, I convinced your dad to stop, so I bought her...... Now I  can do anything I want to her."

I look closely at the video, I notice her long black hair and her beautiful black eyes.

It is her.

"so you made that man do that!" I say still a little startled that, this woman could possibly be my mother.

"Yes, and if you don't do what I say I will kill her..... For real this time."

"what is its that you want?" I ask just wanting to see my mother.

"I want you to make it look like we fucked."

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