Chapter 12 - Club

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"can we go to a club tonight?" I start, "you can even bring Ryan and Ria."I say pouting.

" whatever you want bellissma, you get. "he says," come let's go eat I am hungry. "

I jump off if him walking to the kitchen with him next to me.
It was now 8pm and Alexander called Ryan and Ria over. When they came Ryan and Alexander went they separate ways.

It was now just Ria and me." come let's go change, "she says while pulling my hand.

Once we reached a guest room separate from the boys, so are yall like dating? "Ria ask.

A little taken back by this I laugh awkwardly," it's complicated. " "Mhm sure." I started laughing, she then takes out a black dress, " there we go, I will do your makeup after."

When I got dressed, Ria looked at me, "Damm girl you looking fine as hell

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When I got dressed, Ria looked at me, "Damm girl you looking fine as hell."

I then looked at Ria's outfit, "wow did you look at yourself."

After we finished our makeup "come let's go, down stairs," Ria said

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After we finished our makeup
"come let's go, down stairs," Ria said. "let me just get my purse, met you down." "okay."

When I found it I started to walk down the stairs with my purse in my hand, some chatter happening down stairs, when they hear my heels they all face me.

I reached the bottom my face tinted red. Alexander looks at me his eyes darkening, "is this to reaveling?" I ask worried.

"no wear what you want I can fight." he says.

I then look at him a little excited because we matching. He has a black turtleneck, with a black suit pants, and a coat over.

I then noticed that Ryan and Ria were matching, I only noticed now but they will be such a good couple

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I then noticed that Ryan and Ria were matching, I only noticed now but they will be such a good couple.

I then noticed that Ryan and Ria were matching, I only noticed now but they will be such a good couple

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" come bellissma let's go," Alexander says holding my waist ledding me to the front doo.

Once we there we see a limousine waiting outside for us, Alexander opens the door for me helping me in I then sit next to the window enjoying Italy's view.

Once we reach a club called 'Grey' "what a weird club name,"i say," so you saying your future last name is weird bellissma? " Alexander says Chuckling.

I then start blushing," is this your club, "I ask while exiting and walking to the front." yes bellissma. "

" stop flirting and can we just go inside. " Ryan says at the back of us walking with Ria.

When we walk in the smell of sex and cigarettes hit me. We all then make our way to the bar.

Alexander takes a seat I started walking to a seat next to him, he pulls my hand picking me up and placing me on his lap, "where you going to, my love."

A waiter comes to us, "what can I get you?" he ask Alexander, "a fruit cocktail." he says, "and for the beautiful lady?"

"dont fucking call her that."Alexander says, I quickly put my hand on his thigh lightly squeezing it. "same as him please."

I come and a take a sip. I then hear my song playing, I quickly jump down from Alexanders lap, "where you going?" he ask, "to dance wanna join."
"just now."

I then pull Ria's hand, "lets go dance," I shout over the loud music.

We then walk to the dance floor moving to the beat, I close my eyes letting the music take control.

I started moving my hips to each beat. I then felt hands wrap around me, I turn around seeing a stranger.

" come sweetheart lets dance, " he says laughing. "fuck you leave me!"

I see a tall shadow towers over him. The strange man gets a hard punch to the face falling to the floor, "ahh you bitch!" he screams.

I then notice it was Alexander, he then sits on the man punching him over and over again.

Alexander then puts his hand at the back of his shirt pulling out a gun, before anything else could happened Alexander pulls the trigger.

Everyone screams and starts running.
Tears start to run down my eyes, "you..... Y-ou just killed a man." I say in between sobs.

I started running, I don't know where I just want to be away from Alexander. I reach the door as soon as I was about to open it Alexander pushes me against the wall next to the door, "you... A killer, why would you do that?" I say with tears pouring from my eyes.

"for you bellissma."

He then brushes his thumb against my cheek, I flinched, "please... Don't hurt me."

"you as crazy as me if you think, I will hurt you bellissma."

He then picks me up carrying me to the car, tears pouring down my face.
"I will never hurt you bellissma, I promise you that." when we reach the car he places me on the seat. "where's Ryan and Ria?" I mumbled scared to speak loud.

"they went separately, you don't have to be scared." he says, placing a hand on my thigh.

After him killing a man in front of me I should hate him, but I don't, him putting his hand on my thigh still gives me butterflies.

I just keep quit not even giving a reaction." are you okay stellina? "
I ignore him just enjoying the ride. I could notice he was getting really mad.

"fine then ignore me."

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