Chapter 6- Italy

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Alexander POV 

when I entered my room I see Mia sleeping, her legs and arms spread out and her hair all over her face, she is just perfect.

I quickly went to go and shower and changed into a pear of sweatpants and started walking to the guest room.

As I jumped in to bed and laid down, all I could, think about was her, fuck this girl got my heart.

Once I started dozing of to sleep I heard a scream I quickly got up and ran to Mia's room, when I opened it I saw her in the corner crying.

"please.... Stop hurting me," she says in between sobs.

I quickly go to her and picked her up "it's okay my love, you fine." she raps her legs around me and I walked to the bed and laid down with her on my chest.

Fuck this girl is broken.

Once I heard her breathing steady I gently laid her on her back, and got up before I could I felt a pull on my hand," please don't..... Go." 

"okay my love."


I woke up, seeing tattooed arms wrapped around me.

I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. "Fuck, fuck ,his a fucking monster that is all he will fucking be, I can't fall for him!" I screamed at myself.

When I turned around I see Alexander walking out of the room .. Fuck I said that loud.

I brushed my teeth and walked to the door, I found myself entering the kitchen.

I looked and I then saw Alexander
On the kitchen counter eating cereal.
I decided to make some coffee for him and I, to say sorry.

When I was done I passed him his coffee, "why you making a Monster coffee, aren't you fucking scared of me ,"he says with annoyance," about that.... " "cut the shit Mia I am a Monster, just like you will always be a whore."

"acting like you not," I say under my breath but Alexander heard and turned around, he grabbed my face "have some sort of respect for me." "and what if I don't, Alexander, what you going to torture me again." I see his jaw clench.

"guess I will have to fuck some respect into you." he says with a sinister smirk.

He then turns, "we going to Italy."

"I don't have clothes though," "I will buy you in Italy, Ryan will take you to the airport."

Some man walks down "Hey sweetheart,"

"and you are......?"

"Ryan, come let's take go," he says. "umm okay." Once we reach the garage a black Bugatti sat outside, "we going in that," I say in disbelief.

"yeah why, never been in a Bugatti?"
"to be honest no I haven't."

We then jump in and he starts the car and he starts driving, "sleep, it's gonna be a long drive."


"wake up," someone says. I opened my eyes seeing a private jet, fuck they really rich.

"where's Alexander?" I ask. "his in the jet, now can you get your fat ass out?"

When I jump out the car and walk in the jet as soon as I entered I jumped on the set getting ready to sleep.

"did you not sleep last night when I was gone?" I hear Alexander ask. "I couldn't sleep."

"but you slept when you were with me." truth be told I do sleep better with him, I don't get my nightmares, but that's a secret only I will know his ego is already big enough.

"come here," "what." I say flabbergasted.

I then feel strong arms around me, I am then setted on Alexanders lap, with his arms around me while his on his phone.
"sleep bellissma."

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