Chapter 21 - Motel

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I sat in the car I stole from Alexander he has a lot more, so he wouldn't mind.

I drove and drove until there was no cars in sight, tears rolled down my cheeks.

I thought it wouldn't hurt leaving him, but it does it hurts more then seeing him with his wife.

I see a motel and I decide to stop, I did bring a little bit of money, I am sure I can stay a few days here.

I parked the car outside, and walked in. "hi, how can I help you mam," the lady in the front ask.

"umm how much for a night? " "101,10 euros," "4 nights please," I say while passing the money.

She takes the money and passes my room key and tells me the floor number.

As I walk to the elevator and press the floor number. I waited a bit and the elevator doors slowly open. I walked out and see my room.

I unlocked the door and walked in, the room wasn't big but neither was it small.

I set the few bags of clothes I brought on the couch, and went to close the curtain.

As I walked to the curtain getting ready to close it I see three Teslas parked outside.

"no his here," I whisper to myself, I ran from the window and went inside the bathroom and locked the door.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, I don't know why I was crying, because I didn't feel scared neither sad, then what do I feel?

I sat in the bathroom tub, with tears in my eyes.

Alexander POV

I jumped out of the tesla with a few of my men following me, I didn't want Ryan or Ria to come with me.

I walked in the motel, where I tracked the car Mia took. I opened the door seeing a lady at the front desk.

I walked to her, "A young girl came here am I right," I say calmly, "sorry sir I can't give out that information."

I gave her a sinister smirk, "If you want to stay alive today I suggest you tell me what room she is in, " I say while placing my gun on the table.

I could tell the lady was scared, "s-she... Is in room... N-number 5.... Floor.. 3," she stutters.

"that wasn't so hard was it," I then turn to my men, and they nod.

I watch as they walk to the elevator and enter.


it was a few minutes, and I then hear a loud bang on the door, shit.

Faint footsteps were heard, until they were by the bathroom door, they tried to open it, but it was locked.

Then I heard a gun shot, and the door was then open. Tears were rolling down my cheeks even more.

Then two hands grabbed me pulling me out the tub, I looked up seeing two men.

"Let me go you fucking idoit!" I scream. "oh we have a fighter," the one holding me says, laughing with the other guy.

They picked me up pulling me, "leave me the FUCK ALONE!" they continued to ignore me and held me tight.

They were then carrying me out the apartment, in the elevator, "you fucking hurting me!"

They pressed the the first floor button, and continued to hold me tight. Tears strolled down my face, am I going to die.

All the worst scenories ran through my head. The elevator doors then opened.

I looked up seeing the same black pair of eyes that hurt me the most.

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