Chapter 5- How Do You Know My Name

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I woke up in a bed, shit that idiot made me sleep. I looked around the room, it was beautiful.

I then heard the door unlock, worry taking hold of me.

"Morning my love," "Who are you? "I say with curiosity. "It doesn't matter , the important part is that I am not going to hurt you, anymore. "

I know better then to trust you.

" I don't even know your name ,and you expect me to believe you. "I say in disbelief.

" it's Alexander. "

"You hurt me so much and you expect a name is going to cut it. "

" I don't need you to fucking trust me, I have better fucking shit to do, I will bring you clothes get dressed, go shower I don't fucking care." he says looking pissed.

With that he leaves.

"I just want to fucking die. "
When I came out of the shower there was a dress on the bed it was really cute I must say, he has taste.

 "___________________When I came out of the shower there was a dress on the bed it was really cute I must say, he has taste

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As I put it on I opened the door and decided to find a way to escape.

I then looked around and saw men standing everywhere is this guy some kind of mafia what the hell. "fuck it I am gonna explore and try and escape."

I then passed hall after hall, this place was gigantic.

I then came across double doors, I slowly opened it and took a peek.

"YOU FUCKING LET HER GO!" Alexander was on the wall being choked by a man with, blood running from his lip, who was this other man?

"did I not fucking tell you to kill her!"

Alexander then raised his and hand punched the man, "fuck you!" the man fell on the floor.

"what did I expect from my weakling son of mine." Oh my God that is Alexanders dad. "you give nothing to me dad," Alexander says with anger,

"and yet you still manage to disappoint me every time."

Alexanders dad lays on the floor looking shocked. "I am going to Italy and I am taking Mia with me, bye Giovanni."

He then turns around and sees me there. He grabs my hand and pulls me.

"how do you know my name?" I say feeling enraged.

"Walk," he says sternly looking mad.
"How do you know my fucking name!"

"For fuck sakes Mia fucking walk!" "NO," I say.

He then puts his hand around my neck and pushes me against the wall, "I am a fucked up man Mia, and I am not in the mood, so fucking walk." he says in my ear making chills run down my spine.

I just stay quiet, I have never seen him this angry.

He then picks me up and puts me on his shoulder "I have places to be princess."

"put me down !"

I then felt a hard slap on my ass "will you be a good girl for me, Mm love?"

Fuck this man has his way with words, he then reaches his bedroom and opens the door and gently puts me on the bed.

He then start walking to the bathroom. "why does he want to kill me?"

He then stops in his tracks and turns around "my dad is a sick man, Mia don't think to much of it, yeah?"

"oh okay," I mumble softly.

I then get up and walk to the bathroom where he is and open up a cabinet and take out the first aid kit.

I then walk back to the bed and place the first aid kit on the bed "sit," he turns around "I am fine sweetheart."

"sit," I say sternly, he doesn't listen and continues doing what he is doing.

I get up pull him on the bed, he sits and I open up the first aid kit.

"such a stubborn ass," he grumbles

I then take out some cotton and move my hand to wipe his lips he flinches, "I am not going to hurt you," I say softly.

When I touch his lips I see him staring at me so intensely. His lips feel so soft and plum.

No Mia he hurt you.

"thank you," he say to me. He looks at me and I swear I saw his lips twitch, "for what?" i asks curiously. "I don't know you just been so nice to even though I treated you like shit."

He nods "go sleep I will be out," I nod.
He then gets up and walks to the door.

"sleep well princess."

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