Chapter 28- end

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"Hey love." "Alexander is that you," I get up and run to him ,but every time I get closer to him he fades.

"I'm sorry my love, I broke my promise."
Tears streamed down my eyes,"why did you have to leave Alexander?" I ask,"why did you have to leave when I fell in love with you."

Then I stopped running, and someone hugged me, I turned around to see Alexander." Please come back to me."

He kissed my forehead,"I can't love I'm dead."

I woke up from my sleep with tears in my eyes, it's still 3am but I can't get a full amount of sleep.

I get up from my bed and I walk out of my room, I saw the guest room Alexander showed me and I walked inside and and went on the roof.

I sat down and started imagining Alexander's embrace around me.

I closed my eyes."I love you Mia." " Me and you forever." "No one will ever hurt you my love." "You mine." " my fucking slut." "Until death do us apart."

"Until death do us apart ," I mumbled.

I slowly got up and took slow steps to the edge of the roof.

"Until death do us apart," I mumbled again, I stared at the edge..........and took one more step.

"Until death do us apart."

Ria Pov

Tears strolled down my eyes," You ready Ria?" Ryan asks as we start walking to their grave.

The night I walked outside and saw Mia laying lifeless on the floor with blood spattered around her, I couldn't stop the tears from coming out. Growing up I was taught to show no emotion, but seeing Mia my best friend laying lifeless on the floor I cried.....I cried my eyes out.

It's funny isn't it, two of the people I love the most had died on the same day.

We then started walking in the graveyard, I could see it in Ryan's eyes as much as he wants to hide it, I see he misses them both but he is to worried about me.

"Can I stay here by myself just for a while?" "you sure ria?" Ryan asks. I slowly nodded my head.

He then turned around and walked back to the car. I reached Mia's grave and sat down,"Hey small sister im sorry i couldn't stop you from hurting yourself, hope you fine, it must of took a lot of courage to kill yourself I must say, but why didn't you use that courage to win? I know you missed Alexander but why did you have to kill yourself? Why did you have to leave me!"

Tears rolled down my eyes,"I hope baby Mia in you is also doing okay."

I then faced Alexander's grave that was right next to Mia's, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I let you down, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when we were smaller, keep Mia safe please."

"Goodbye ,I guess this is the end."

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