Chapter 24- Scary Love

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Alexander POV

As I watched Mia sleep on my chest, I have never seen her so peaceful, i only see her when she is stressed or anxious.

She is so beautiful, as she softly breaths in and out. I don't know what I am feeling but I think I am love.

I felt a soft liquid flow down my cheek ,
I can't fall in love with her because I know when I do her life will be a reck.

I kissed her forehead ,"I am sorry my love .....falling for you was a mistake, but unfortunately I still won't change this mistake."

I am so pathetic I can't even face her and say this. I am the fucking leader of a mafia and I am falling for a woman.

I slowly got up and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I had finished I slowly walked to the kitchen, still feeling like a selfish piece of shit.

I then opened the pantry door and took out some ceral and made some. I then sat down and ate.

When I was done I got up and walked to the gym, I can't get her out of my mind .

"What are you doing to me Mia?"


I woke up not seeing Alexander next to me, a bit of disappointment hit me.

I brushed it off and did my morning routine, "I wonder where he is ?" I say to no one in particular.

I slowly stroll around the house not finding Alexander anywhere, until I came across the back door.

I open it and see a shirtless Alexander sitting on the floor with the smell of alcohol around him .

I take a seat next to him ,"What are you doing it's early in the morning?"I softly ask.

He turned his head to me and looked back down with a sad face plastered on him.

"Fuck off ,"he softly says. A little taken back, I move closer to him. "Stop Mia.....just leave me alone please."

"What's wrong Alexander ?"I say with a hint of annoyance,"You confusing me, first you friendly and now you want to be distant and .......and you slowly.......... breaking me, just tell me what is wrong."

"I am fucking falling for you!" He screams ,"and I don't know what this fucking feeling is ,but I hate it-"

"you enjoy the feeling to don't you?"I say stopping him.

He turns his head softly ,"You wouldn't understand Mia,"he says. "What makes you think that?"

"Because I know........ you don't love me."

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