chapter 25 - Confusion

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"W-what are you saying Alexander?" I ask in disbelief. "You know what I mean love.... you just refuse to believe it."

I shook my head ,tears rolled down my eyes ,"You are in love with me,"I mumble to myself.

"I am selfish I know ,but I can't......I just can't let you go Mia, I can't let you leave me."

"I didn't plan on leaving," I say firmly.

Alexander laughed ,"Yeah well we both know you not going to stay." He says while scoffing and walking off.

Alexander POV

As I walked off knowing Mia will never love me ,she knows it to she just refuses to believe that .

"You such a coward !" I heard Mia scream from behind me as I walk off.

I turned around looking at her ,knowing she is right I can't face her. I'm pathetic.

Fuck it.

I walk back to her picking her up, wrapping her legs around me.

I then moved to her ear and whispered,"so I must stop being a coward, huh?"

I then felt her breath hitch. "Who is the coward now my love." I then begin kissing her neck softly, "I'm in love with you Mia." I say passionately.

Before she could reply I turn around and we both see ,Ryan and ria standing with they mouths wide open.

"Oh stop being childish ,"I say while putting Mia down making her stand next to me.

"So are yall like dating now ?"Ria ask while rolling her eyes.

I looked down at Mia, seeing her blush, "yeah,"I say in a nonchalant way. Mia turned to me her eyes wide and her jaw dropping.

"WHAT!" Ria and Ryan shout at the same time. "Why so surprised love ,"I say putting my index finger on Mia's chin and kissing her deeply.

She then moves away and holds my hand pulling me inside the house and we begin walking to our room.

When she opened the door and walked in our room ,"So we dating now ?"Mia says rising her eyebrow.

"Yeah, why is there a problem?" I ask her, while taking a seat on the bed.

"We haven't even had sex Alexander !" She whisper shouts, I get up and start taking off my shirt.

"Fine then let's fuck." Mia's eyes widened,"Put your shirt back on Alexander, "she says while blushing.

"You don't wanna have sex ?" I ask while picking her up and placing her on my lap as I take a seat on the bed.

"You making this weird Alexander."I let out a airy chuckle. I then look at her and see a glint of sadness in her eyes.

"What's wrong my love ?" I say with slight worry ,"can I go back to my house?" She says looking down.

"No," I say sternly, "You not going there." "Why not ?"she says raising her voice a bit,"why are you being like this, i can't believe I started to think you would change, " she says while getting up, walking out the door.

Before she could leave I pulled her arm making her cheek hit my chest,"Stop running from your problems love,"I say while looking down and moving and piece of hair from her face.

She looked up at me pouting a bit, "please." I let out a sigh, "Fine, but I am coming with you." Mia let's out a loud squel.

She pulled me down to her height and kissed my cheek ,and then moved to my ear,"I love you too."

Fuck I think I got butterflies.

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