Chapter 15

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During those couple of hours, the two wandered the streets of the city, giggling and having a good time.

While walking down the sidewalk, Jeff glanced down the sidewalk and encountered a sign that caught his eye. 'Local Art Museum', the sign read. Jeff nudged Nora's arm as he pointed in the direction of the museum and asked, "Wanna check it out?"

As soon as Nora saw the building, her eyes glowed with excitement. "Can we?" she asked eagerly, and Jeff smiled at her. "Let's go," he said, guiding her to the entrance of the building.

Upon entering the building, her excitement increased as she noticed the amazing artwork surrounding it.

As Nora walked around and examined the artwork that surrounded her, Jeff stared at her with a gentle expression on his face, watching as she absorbed the art in her surroundings.
In her excitement, Nora said aloud, "Jeff, this is amazing," as she walked down the hallway, following behind her with a smile as he listened to her describe each art piece as they passed it.

"I am glad you liked it," Jeff finally said after remaining silent and letting Nora speak her mind about all the artwork. "Did you like it? I loved it!" Nora asked gently.

As he gazed down at the young woman before him, Jeff said softly, "I really enjoyed listening to you."

Her face grew warm and she looked down at her feet. "I was just rambling the whole time," she replied quietly; she felt fingers lift her chin, so that she stared into Jeff's eyes with a mixture of adoration and curiosity: "I like hearing what gets you excited Nora," Jeff replied softly.

As she stared into Jeff's eyes, her lips parted, but no words could be uttered.

As Jeff let go of the girl's chin, he smiled at her and asked, "Are you ready to head back?" Jeff asked as Nora tried to gather herself after the moment they just shared.

The young woman nodded shakily as the two were exiting the museum and making their way back to their hotel.


Her face was buried in her pillow. Jeff dropped Nora back at her room for the night before returning to his own. Thinking about the moment they shared in the hallway of the museum, Nora closed her eyes and felt her face turn warm when she remembered the soft touch of Jeff's fingers against her skin.

There was an interruption to Nora's train of thought when a knock was heard on the hotel room's door. She slowly shifted her focus from her pillow to the door, wondering who was knocking on its door.

In order to discover who was knocking on her door at this time of night, she got up onto her feet and made her way to the door.

Upon opening the door, her eyes widened slightly in surprise as she observed the person standing in the doorway.

She looked nervously at the individual standing in front of her and asked, "Can I help you?"

In response to the nervous girl standing in front of them, the individual chuckled.

"I would like to discuss something with you, Miss Rose. Could you please allow me a few minutes of your time?" the individual inquired.

"Of course Mr. McMahon."


In the midst of looking at Vince McMahon, Nora nervously shuffled her feet.

"What do you wish to discuss?" Nora asked after breaking the silence between them.
After a small chuckle, Vince stated, "I would like to discuss joining the WWF with you."

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