Chapter 16

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As Nora awoke the following morning with a nervous pit in her stomach, the thought of her meeting with Vince regarding her joining the WWF caused the nerves to grow stronger as she got up from bed and headed toward the bathroom.

She stumbled into the bathroom and shakily turned on the shower. Her question was, 'why does Mr. McMahon want me to join the WWF because of the supposed chemistry between Jeff and I' she wondered. She stepped into the shower. She thought that it was insane for him to tell her that she would participate in wrestling matches, despite the fact that she had no wrestling experience. As she stepped out of the shower, her thoughts would not cease.

After a knock on Nora's door finally stopped her thoughts, she quickly put on some clothes and opened the door to her hotel room. Jeff was standing on the other side of the door when Nora opened the door, "Good morning," he replied softly as he noticed Nora's nervousness.

Taking a deep breath, Nora held Jeff close in a hug. The fabric of Jeff's shirt muffled Nora's voice as she said, "I'm so nervous." "Nora, you do not need to worry." In a calm voice, Jeff said, "I will be by your side the entire time." As he pulled Nora closer against him.

Nora's eyes were slowly closing as she listened to his calming voice and beat of his heart. Her nerves finally starting to calm down as she pulled away from Jeff, "thanks Jeff, this is exactly what I needed" she said as she slowly pulled away from him.

As Jeff smiles at Nora, who has now calmed down, he tells her he will always be there for her. He follows Nora to her hotel room. "I appreciate you, Jeff," Nora says as she gathers the things she may need for the meeting.

When Nora finished gathering everything she might need for the meeting, Jeff followed her out of the room. Before they had the chance to leave the hotel, they ran into Trish in the lobby.

Upon stopping the two, Trish commented to Nora, "I'm shocked that you are awake at this time." "I have a meeting with Mr. McMahon this morning," Nora responded, Trish's eyes widening.

As Trish questioningly asked, "Why are you meeting with Vince?" Nora murmured, "about me joining the WWF," Trish was frozen in shock, "he wants you to join the WWF? As Trish exclaimed, "He didn't mention you joining!" she continued, "How did you discover this?" she asked Nora, "He visited my hotel room last night," Nora replied.

"He came to your hotel room!" Trish thought it was unbelievable, "but don't worry, I didn't let him in! I talked to him outside my room, then Jeff found us," Nora explained as she looked over at Jeff. "So why is Jeff going with you?" a confused Trish inquired.

"During our conversation, Mr. McMahon suggested I join the WWF and compete in my own matches." Nora says not looking at her sister.

"You compete in matches! You have no wrestling experience!" Trish cried out. "That's where Jeff and you come in," Nora says. "Yes, he wants you and I to show her some things to assist her," Jeff replies.

Nora cut Trish off before she could utter another word concerning Nora's safety. "Trish, it's okay, that's why I asked Mr. McMahon to let Jeff come with me," she says as she glances up at Jeff.

Jeff told Trish, "Don't worry Trish, I'll see to it that nothing happens." "Okay, but I'm counting on you Jeff," Trish said before waving them off as they walked out of the front doors and into a waiting car.


They walked in comfortable silence, unaware of what Vince might have in store for Nora and her employment with the WWF.

Nora could only concentrate on the sound of shoes hitting the tile floor as she and Jeff made their way to the meeting room to meet with Mr. McMahon.

"It will be okay, Nora, don't worry about it," Jeff told her.

"It is difficult to remain unconcerned about it," she says.

A sigh is heard from Jeff, but he does not say another word as he proceeds to the meeting room with Nora.

After they finally entered the meeting room, Nora's nerves skyrocketed as soon as she saw Vince sitting, waiting for them. She was grateful that Jeff did not say another word after they finally made their way to the meeting room.

"Ah, Miss Rose, Mr. Hardy, glad you could make it, take a seat and let's talk about Miss Rose joining the WWF," Vince told them as the door behind them closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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