Chapter 12

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Nora watches Jeff being examined by the paramedics to ensure that he did not sustain any serious injuries during his fight. "I told you I was all right", Jeff replies.

Nora commented, "Jeff, you should let the man do what he does." after hearing Jeff huff in frustration.

Jeff rolled his eyes, but he did not make any further comments as the paramedic finished examining him before advising him to take it easy for the next few days.

As the paramedic left them, Nora laughed and said, "see, it wasn't so hard," as they walked back to Team Xtreme's dressing room.

Upon entering the hallway, Jeff said, "I told you I was fine." Nora looked at him and said, "I know, but I just wanted to make sure."

There is no need to worry, Nora, I'm used to it." Jeff said softly to her as she gazed at the ground. "I know you're used to it, but I'll never stop being concerned." Nora replied softly. Jeff smiled at her.

With a soft smile, Jeff replied to the girl, "I am grateful for all your concern," and she smiled softly.

As Jeff and Nora walked back to the dressing room, Jeff asked Nora, "Do you want to hang out for a while?" When they reached the dressing room door, Nora looked up at Jeff and nodded her head, "Yeah, Trish should still be busy."

Upon opening the door and walking into the room, Jeff replied, "Cool."

As Jeff and Nora were walking through the doorway, both Matt and Lita bombarded Jeff with questions and wanted to know if he was okay.

"I'm fine!" Jeff responded, as the two continued to pester him with questions, causing Nora to giggle as she watched them worry about the young Hardy boy.

"Are you sure everything is alright Jeff? You took a serious fall," Matt asked his brother. "Yeah, they said I just need to keep it easy for the next few days," Jeff replied as he looked at his brother with annoyance in his eyes.

As Lita squeezed Jeff's arm, she said, "We just want to be sure."

"As I told Nora, this issue is nothing new, and I appreciate the concern you all have shown," Jeff muttered, slumping onto the sofa.

As Nora approached Jeff on the sofa, she plopped herself down next to him and stated, "Jeff, let them worry about you. They are your teammates."

From where she stood, Lita watched the two and said, "Listen to what Nora has to say."

A playful huff was heard as Jeff narrowed his gaze at the girl next to him.

In a joking manner, Nora said to the boy next to her, "Yeah Jeff, listen to me."

After Nora's comment, Jeff laughed to himself before turning towards his teammates. "What are our plans for tonight?" he asked.

The two of us are going out," Matt announced as he gestured to the two of them, Jeff was about to say something, but Matt interrupted him, "you're returning back to the hotel to rest", which caused Jeff to groan.

Seeing Jeff slumping his head back and closing his eyes, Nora suggested that they hang out at the hotel if that was something he would be interested in.

After hearing the girls' words, Jeff opened his eyes and looked over at Nora, who stated, "we could order takeout and watch a movie together," as Nora continued.

A broad smile spread across Jeff's face as the suggestion from Nora caught his attention. He replied, "Yeah, I would appreciate that."

"Well, that's settled," Matt said as he gazed at the two on the sofa. "I and Lita will catch up with you later," Matt said as he stepped out of the dressing room with Lita in tow.


Several hours later, Trish made sure she met Nora and Jeff before they picked up their rental car and headed back to the hotel. "How was it accompanying the Big Show?" Nora asked her sister as she stepped out of the car and entered the hotel lobby.

"Not very entertaining," Trish replied as she and Jeff followed Nora. "I take it the match did not end well," Trish commented as she observed Jeff grimace in pain.

When Jeff followed the two sisters into the elevator, he said, "We'll get them next time."

The comment from Jeff made Nora smile, not letting the fact that he lost his match deter him from enjoying his night.

"I am glad to hear that you do not feel upset about losing your match," Trish said to the young Hardy boy.

As she turned her attention back to Nora, she asked her if everything had gone well during the match for her sister. "It was fine," Nora replied, avoiding the subject of what Lita had done during the match that almost caused the two girls to be injured if Jeff had not intervened.

From the corner of Jeff's eye, he noticed that Nora had not mentioned anything about the move Lita pulled during the match between them and the Dudley Boyz.

As the three exited the elevator and made their way to the rooms assigned to them, Trish smiled with relief, "well, I am glad everything worked out for you," before asking, "so, what do you guys have planned for tonight?"

Upon being stopped in front of her room, Nora replied, "I am planning to spend the evening with Jeff. We will be ordering some takeout and watching a movie."

When Trish inquired about Lita and Matt's outing tonight, Jeff let out his second groan of the evening. As he glanced over at Nora, Jeff responded, "Basically, Matt told me to stay at the hotel tonight and rest up, but Nora offered to hang out with me so I wouldn't be bored."

A glance over at her sister revealed a slight blush on her face, and Nora could feel her face warming as she became more interested in the hotel room door handle.

"That's really sweet of you, Nora," Trish teased her sister before walking into her hotel room. "I'll see you again in the morning."

Quite shyly, Nora glanced over at Jeff who spoke up: "I am going to take a shower, and then I will be back in thirty minutes."

As she unlocked her door, she sent a small smile to Jeff, who smiled back and made his way to his own hotel room. She nodded at Jeff's words, "See you in thirty minutes."

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