Chapter 11

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Nora felt someone tap her arm in the precinct of the ring as the Dudley Boyz arrived. After shifting her eyes over for a moment, she noticed Lita nodding her head to the side of the ring where they would be standing. Nora nodded back to Lita before making her way over to that side of the ring.

In the midst of walking over to Lita, Nora came to the edge of the ring, where she mouthed 'good luck' to Jeff as she passed him. Jeff smiled before focusing his attention on the Dudley Boys.

After the sound of the bell was heard, Nora crossed her arms and bit her lip in anticipation of what would happen. Her attention was drawn to the match in front of her.

Bubba Ray Dudley faced off against Matt at the beginning, and Nora was startled when she heard Lita cheer for Matt. As a result of her embarrassment, she began cheering quietly alongside her.

While Nora watched Matt fall hard to the ground, she did not stop cheering for him. She and Lita remained cheering for him until he was completely on his feet.

The two men continued to fight in the ring until Bubba attempted to tag D-Von, and Nora happened to glance at Matt limping along, attempting to tag Jeff.

As soon as Matt tagged Jeff, Nora yelled out, "Come on Jeff!" Nora was filled with excitement as she watched Jeff and D-Von brawl in the middle of the ring.

While Jeff battled against D-Von in the middle of the ring, Nora's cheers for him gave him an energized feeling. Jeff and D-Von exchanged punches after punches.

Immediately following Jeff knocking down D-Von, he quickly rushed to the corner of the ring. However, before he could climb on the ropes, Bubba caught the attention of the ref, allowing D-Von just enough time to attempt a cheap shot at Jeff and knock him down.

The sight of Jeff grunting as he landed on the ropes was quite painful to witness, so Nora struck the ring gently with her hand as D-Von repeatedly hit Jeff. "Come on Jeff, you've got this!" she said.

In the midst of the commotion, Nora observed a fight between D-Von and Jeff. Before Nora realized what was going on, she noticed Matt desperately making an attempt to gain the attention of the referee. She watched as D-Von was pushed away from Jeff by Lita.

D-Von immediately draws Nora's attention as she notices that he is making his way toward Lita and herself, but before he can reach them, Jeff climbs over the ropes and lands the Whisper in the Wind on him.

A sigh of relief filled her lungs as she watched D-Von fall to the ground in front of her, then watched as Jeff sprang into action to tag his brother.

Nora quickly came over to Jeff and asked, "Are you okay Jeff?" as she quickly scanned his body for any signs of injury, "Yes, I'm okay." Jeff winces out as he moves towards Nora, "I'm just glad that you're not hurt." He said as he gazed at Nora.

As Nora glanced at Jeff, a smile spread across her face as she whispered to him, "Thank you." before returning to Lita's side.

The two girls cheered on Matt as he fought D-Von, and at that time, the referee noticed Bubba entering the ring, and he turned his attention to Bubba. Nora then watched Lita climb into the ring and deliver the Twist of Fate to D-Von.

Having watched Lita climb out of the ring and swiftly return to Nora as she watched, Nora was surprised by what she saw. While Nora was about to comment on what Lita had done, Jeff caught Nora's attention as he flew into the ring after Matt had tagged him back in. This attracted Nora's attention to the ring as he did so.

Seeing Jeff start to beat down Bubba, Nora is all in to cheer him on. However, Bubba grabs hold of him and slams him to the ground with overwhelming force.

Although Nora winces in pain when watching Jeff take hits from Bubba, she watches nervously as Bubba tags D-Von into the fight and the two of them begin hitting Jeff together. In hopes that she and Lita could provide encouragement to both boys, she began cheering again as soon as she saw Matt rush in to help his brother.

The cheers of encouragement appeared to help for a brief period of time, but both of the Dudley Boyz knocked down both of the Hardy brothers, and Nora had a sad expression on her face as she saw D-Von pin Jeff for three counts, resulting in the victory of both of the Dudley Boys.

After watching the Dudley Boyz exit the ring, she dashed under the ropes of the ring and to Jeff's side.

As Nora gazed down at Jeff with a concerned expression, he spoke before she could answer, "I'm sorry you had to watch me lose" as he winced, and Nora could only chuckle. Nora whispered to Jeff as she looked down at him, "All that matters is if you are okay," as she looked down at him. "It is nothing that I have never experienced before," he replied as he stood up with Nora's assistance.

In spite of Jeff's pain, Nora smiled at him before helping him to his feet and out of the ring. "Let's get you to the medical center," she said to him as they walked up the ramp and out.

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