Chapter 14

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Upon hearing Trish's comment, they glanced at one another.

"Does that mean I am missing something?" Trish asked reluctantly as she watched Nora and Jeff stare at each other for a few seconds, before they shyly looked away from each other.

Nora took a deep breath before quietly replying, "I told Jeff that I would like to accompany them to the ring more often." Trish's smile grew as she listened to Nora's words.

"Look at my baby sister growing up," Trish teased Nora as she rolled her eyes at Trish's teasing. In order to demonstrate her irritation, Nora responded, "Yeah, yeah, I'm growing up," in a tone that clearly indicated annoyance, and the two sisters began to converse.

While Jeff watched the two sisters engage in back-and-forth banter for what seemed like hours, eventually they had to stop as they were unable to stop laughing.

The moment Trish was finally able to stop laughing, she glanced down at her watch, "shoot, I have a meeting in 20 minutes," she frowned at her sister, "I don't know how long this is going to take," Nora kindly smiled back at her sister, "It's fine, I understand."

Trish inquired, "Are you sure?" feeling guilty about leaving her sister behind. Nora replied, "Yeah," before looking at Jeff. "I'm sure Jeff will keep me company until he has to leave," Nora assured her sister.

"Don't worry Trish, she will not be alone today," Jeff said as he nodded at Trish. "Thank you Jeff, I really appreciate it," Trish replied as she walked out of Nora's room; she wished Nora a good day as she left.

As the door closed behind Trish, Nora quickly flopped back into bed. Jeff watched her do this with amusement.

"Jeff, you don't have to worry about staying if you have plans for today," Nora said as she looked up at Jeff from the spot that she was lying on her bed.

"Luckily for you, I don't have anything I need to do at the moment. Knowing Matt, if I were to have something I needed to do, he would tell me just to stay here and rest while he took care of it," Jeff explained to Nora.

Nora smiled lightheartedly. "Well, since you're stuck with me, what do you want to do?" she jokingly asked

The playful smirk on Jeff's face faded as he wondered what they might accomplish together.

"The idea of walking around the city sounds like a terrific idea to me," Jeff suggested, and Nora hummed in agreement.

In anticipation of spending more time together, their hearts began to tingle with excitement.


Following Jeff's exit from her room, Nora began getting ready for their meeting in the lobby in less than an hour.

Nora sat over her two suitcases contemplating what to wear before she decided to wear a simple sweater and leggings. After getting dressed, she made a dash for the bathroom, where she brushed her teeth.

Her attention was drawn to the alarm clock as she was leaving the bathroom, alerting her that it was time for her to head down to the lobby. As she flew out the door, she nervously grabbed her wallet and hurried down.

When Nora nervously exited the elevator doors, keeping her eye on her fingers as she picked at them, she realized, 'I don't need to be nervous, we've hung out before,' she told herself, 'we are simply walking around the city.' She reaffirmed herself as she left the elevator.

Her body collided with another one just a few seconds after exiting the elevator. Two hands gently secured her waist before she could fall. "We've gotta stop meeting like this," a teasing voice called out.

Her face turned slightly warm at the sound of the voice. Knowing who it was, she mumbled to herself, "couldn't resist myself," she muttered and looked shyly up at Jeff.

As Jeff chuckled inwardly, he let go of Nora's waistline after ensuring that she was firmly positioned on her feet.

A moment later, Jeff glanced down at the girl and asked, "Are you ready to leave?"

The young woman nodded her head, "cool, let's go," Jeff said as he led her out of the lobby and into the streets of the city.

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