Chapter 13

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As Nora lay in bed after taking a much needed shower and changing into something more comfortable, she waited for Jeff to return after taking a shower and changing.

A knock on her door only prompted her to get up and walk toward the hotel door. When she opened the door, she noticed Jeff leaning against the wall next to it.

"Hey Jeff, come on in," Nora gestured to Jeff as she waved for him to enter.

Jeff leaned away from the wall and stepped into the girls' room. "What are you in the mood for tonight?" Nora asked as she picked up the book listing nearby restaurants.

After giving it some thought, Jeff replied, "How about pizza?" Nora smiled before picking up the phone in her room and placing an order for a large pizza for them.

In a matter of seconds, she was off the telephone, looking over at Jeff. "Wanna pick out a movie while we wait?" she asked, making her way back to her bed and grabbing the remote control to turn on the TV.

While he watched Nora flick through the channels on the television, Jeff smiled down at her and asked her, "What are you in the mood to watch?" he questioned, as he gazed down at her while joining her on her bed.

Taking a moment to look over at Jeff, Nora shrugged her shoulders before giggling, "Honestly, whatever sounds interesting to me."

When Jeff said, "fair enough," there was a slight chuckle in his voice, and then they flicked through the channels together before deciding on The Goonies.


Now, they were lying comfortably on Nora's bed, with a half-finished box of pizza between them. Instead of paying attention to the movie, they were talking about random things that came to their minds.

Jeff and Nora were giggling as Nora had just finished telling Jeff a story from when they were children.

When Jeff was able to control his laughter, he looked over to Nora and asked her why she had not mentioned what Lita had done during the match between him and Matt.

Nora let out a soft sigh before answering, "She would have freaked out and would tell me not to go down to the ring with you anymore." Nora picked at her fingers as she answered Jeff, looking up at him before continuing with, "I would like to come with you guys from time to time."

Jeff's face was tinged with a shy smile as he nodded his head and looked down at the girl, "I would like for you to occasionally accompany me to the ring as well." he whispered.

A soft blush appeared on Nora's face when she heard Jeff speak.

After a few minutes, the two of them continued to lie together in comforting silence.

As Nora stared at Jeff for a moment, she was about to ask him what he would like to do at this point. However, when she realized he was asleep, she restrained herself from speaking.

She smiled softly to herself. 'That match must have worn him out' she thought to herself as she slowly got out of bed. She began to tidy up the mess they had made before she got ready for bed.

As Jeff's gentle breath drifted in behind Nora, she glanced over at him an additional time before whispering good night to him. She turned off the lamp on the bedside table next to her before drifting off to sleep.


In the early hours of the following morning, Nora awoke to hear something stirring behind her back; she slowly turned around to find Jeff waking from his slumber.

As she watched Jeff wake up, a soft smile spread over her face and she softly said, "Good morning" as she saw him glance over at her.

During the next few seconds, Jeff blinked a few times, wondering whether this was a dream. After all, what other reason could Nora have for lying next to him?

A flurry of giggles caused Jeff to interrupt his train of thought, and Nora was the one to ask, "Is everything alright with you, Jeff?"

Jeff murmured, "I thought this might be a dream", as he blushed slightly. Nora laughed loudly, "No, it's not a dream, I just did not want to wake you up." She explained softly.

Jeff's expression indicated that he wanted to say something, but a knock on Nora's hotel door prevented him from doing so.

Nora shuffled her way to the door before slowly unlocking it. Jeff heard a chirpy "good morning" coming from the door. "Good morning, sis" Nora murmured to Trish as she rubbed her tired eyes.

Trish pushed Nora to the side of the room as she made her way inside. After entering the room, she asked Nora, "How was your night with Jeff-" Trish paused when she noticed Jeff lying in Nora's bed.

As Nora saw the look on her sister's face, she covered her face with her hands in an attempt to shield it.

"Good morning, Jeff," Trish greeted Jeff as she crossed her arms and glanced at her sister who had her face covered in order to conceal the blush that covered her skin.

In a shy voice, he said, "Good morning Trish," while looking in every direction other than the direction of Nora's older sister.

Her smirk spread across her face as she watched Nora and Jeff look away from her. Trish let out a chuckle. "I take it last night turned out well, didn't it?" she asked.

Trish sat in amusement at this point, watching Nora try to explain to her that nothing of the sort had occurred, that they had just eaten pizza, watched a movie, and then "just fell asleep".

He was quick to take the attention off the stuttering Nora by taking Trish's attention away from her and placing it on him. "What are you even doing up at?" Jeff paused as he glanced over at the alarm clock on the nightstand before continuing, "At 7:30 in the morning?" Jeff asked confusedly.

Trish responded enthusiastically, "I am so glad you asked Jeff." Nora responded confusedly, "But what is it?" she asked as she stepped past Trish and returned to her bed.

"Vince called me last night and said that the crowd really enjoyed the chemistry between you two last night. He wishes Nora to continue to accompany you to the ring in the future." Trish said with a smile.

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