Chapter 10

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A pencil scratching against a sheet of paper can be heard throughout the entire room.

She sat there and drew on the paper without paying any attention to Trish's comments, as if she was glued to the paper. "Nora!" Trish shouted at her, causing Nora to snap out of her trance.

In a confused manner, Nora looked at Trish, causing Trish to roll her eyes at her sister, "I have been trying to get your attention for about five minutes now!"

The only moment Nora realized she was engrossed in her drawing was when she glanced down at it. Her eyes widened as she examined it carefully.

As Trish walked over, she glanced over Nora's shoulder to determine what had caused her to be so shocked by her own drawing. Seeing what had been drawn on the paper, a smirk appeared on her face.

"This explains why you weren't listening to me since you were busy drawing Jeff," Trish told Nora as she teased her, causing Nora to quickly close her sketchbook.

Nora's cheeks began to turn red as Trish continued to tease her. "I had no idea I was drawing him." Nora muttered silently, which caused Trish to laugh loudly, and wink at the girl in an attempt to calm her down. "Okay, I'm done teasing you, for now."

In response to Trish's amusing remarks, Nora rolled her eyes at her as she put down her sketchbook on the table and got up from her chair. "You'd better get moving and find a lover boy soon, their match is about to begin," Trish said to Nora.

While she was walking to the door, Nora smiled over her shoulder and walked away, saying, "Good luck, I'll see you later." before leaving without looking back.


When Nora returned to Team Xtreme's dressing room, she was about to knock on the door when she felt someone grab her wrist, which was quite unexpected.

Nora snapped her head in the direction of the wrist that was being held, snatching it away immediately after realizing that Edge was the one holding it. "What do you want now?" Nora asked with irritation.

As Edge looked down at the girl, he gave a cheeky smile, "just wanted to wish you the best of luck, heard you will be joining them in the ring." Edge replied.

Upon hearing this, Nora rolled her eyes, "thank you," she muttered as she knocked on the door, "You could join me and Christian instead," Edge commented, "No thank you," Nora replied without looking at him, and before he could continue, the door opened.

Jeff stood in the doorway intending to say something, but when he noticed Edge standing there as well, he looked over at him and asked, "What are you looking for now?"

An expression of smirk appeared on Edge's face as he said, "Nothing, just wishing her good luck." he said as he turned to Nora. "I thanked you, you may leave now." she replied.

Edge continued to smirk as he walked away from the girl. "Don't forget, my offer is still available," Edge said.

Jeff narrowed his eyes as he gazed at Nora. "What was he referring to?" he asked as they entered the room together.

While sitting on the sofa, she said, "He said that he would rather I join him and Christian instead."

The sound of Nora's words caused Jeff's jaw to clench. "I told him no thank you," Nora said from the comfort of the couch, looking up at Jeff.

After taking a deep breath, Jeff looked over at Nora and smiled. "If they bother you, please let me know." he replied as he sat down right beside her.

"Don't worry, you'll hear about it first." Nora said quietly to Jeff, followed by Jeff giving her a soft smile in reply.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening split the two gazes, and both looked to see Lita and Matt entering the room. "You two ready?" Matt asked. "Yeah man." Jeff replied as he helped Nora up.

It was with heightened anticipation that Nora bit her lip when the four of them emerged from the dressing room and began to make their way to the ring.

"Hey, don't worry, nothing will happen." He encouraged Nora when he noticed her biting her lip, before he continued, "Lita will be right next to you the entire time." He touched Nora lightly on the arm and told her, "I won't let anything happen to you, please do not worry about it." Nora smiled at Lita before looking back at Jeff, "I'm counting on you."

The music of Team Xtreme began just after Nora had finished her sentence. Matt yelled, as the trio ran to their entrance, "Let's do this!" Nora nervously made her way into the arena to join the trio. "And accompanying Team Xtreme will be the lovely Nora Rose!"

While watching the three race to the ring, Nora made her way behind them and smiled when Jeff lowered the ropes for her so that she could slide into the ring with them.

In no time at all, Nora was giggling when Jeff invited her to do the Hardy Boyz sign with him on the ropes; she dutifully climbed the ropes with care before mimicking Jeff's actions.

While Nora was copying him, the Dudley Boyz's music began playing, indicating that the match was about to begin.

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