Chapter 2

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-I've never been in love, I've been alone

Emil shut the door closed, as he threw the backpack on his bed and laid on the floor.

Fucking life.

"Why do you even exist?"
"Probably the world would be a better place without you"
"W-w-w-where d-do y-y-you th-th-think y-y-you're g-g-going, B-B-Bondevik?"
"Kill yourself"

Maybe they were right.
The world would've been a better place without him...maybe he just had to die...

He was crying again...
Damn, he was so emotional.

He felt a buzz in his hoodie's pocket.

A buzz? Was it his phone?

He grabbed it expecting a notification from Instagram, in which any person was teasing him; but he went pale as he looked at the notification.

An unread message from +86 *** *** ****.

Emil've never seen that prefix.
Maybe it was from, like, Africa? Or Asia?
He didn't know how prefixes worked, really. He just accepted +47 as Norway's, without asking any question.

He opened the chat, shaking a little bit.

Unknown: hey random stranger
it's midnight here and i can't sleep, wanna b friends?

Emil stared at the text for a while, before texting back.

E: who are you? how did you get my number?

Unknown: Random number generator lol

Emil frowned. Wasn't that illegal, taking phone numbers and putting them on the web, where anyone could see them?

Unknown: anyway Imma introduce myself
I'm Leon, 16, and i'm from China (I was born in England though)

Only a thought was in Emil's mind at the moment: "who the hell asked?".

L: what about u

Emil wasn't going to tell them.
Like...they were a stranger.

E: ever heard about the sentence "Stranger danger"?

L: no lol

E: well I see
I'm not telling you my personal informations

L: oooh come on! I just wanna be your friend
I swear
I'm not a ped0 or a murd3rer or a r4per or anything

How could Emil be sure of that statement? For what he knew, 'Leon' could've been lying.

E: no

L: pretty please?

E: ...
only if you don't do anything with them

L: I swear

E: mkay
I'm Emil

L: cool name

E: no it's Emil

L: where did the y go?

E: it's a male name dammit

L: OH. Sorrz, am dumb

E: I see
anyway i'm sixteen too

I thought i was texting a old woman before

E: ;-;-;-;

L: where r u from??

E: not telling you

L: if you don't I'll search up the prefix in your number
not that hard

E: ...

L: woah Norway? that's cool

E: you didn't

L: I did

E: i'm reporting u


They needed friends?
Damn...Emil almost felt bad for them.

E: ...
then i won't
i know how it feels to be lonely

L: ty
Why don't we get to know each other?

E: ...hmmm

L: do you have any sibling
I do and they're a lot-
Yao, the eldest sibling, adopted so many peeps- we're in like eight excluding him

E: cool

L: not cool they're sooo annoying

E: oh well then
I have a older brother

L: nice

E: hmmm yeah

L: ...

Emil felt so awkward at that moment.

L: do u have parents
I have/had a father-
his name is/was Arthur
Idk if he's still alive lol

E: woah...uhm
I'm sorry?

L: no need

E: mkay
I'd rather not talk about my parents

L: it's fine

E: ...

L: well this is awkward

E: yeah

L: do u like school?

E: nO

L: perf same
it's so lame

E: people bully me because I have a speech disorder
and I barely have a friend

L: oh no

E: right...
i tried all last year to make friends but they way i spoke scare them away-
i mean
i stutter a lot and people don't have much time to let me speak
so they go away

L: that's sad, bro
can i call you bro?

E: no that's weird
if you really have to call me any other way call me Em

L: mkay >:D

E: ._."

L: what about that one friend

E: i think she stays with me only because she pities me

L: oHh
well if you want i can be ur friend :D

E: really?

L: yeah!
I'll text u every day

E: thank you

And at this point, Emil started crying again.
Out of happiness, this time.

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